Chapter Four

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Marvin woke to the sun blinding him, causing him to groan and pull the sheets over his head. As he did so he notice the sheets didn't smell like his own but like lavender, washing detergent and Versace Man. Shit. He pulled the sheets off his head and slowly sat up putting a hand onto his temple. It felt as though someone was pounding his head with a hammer. He looked round the room then down at himself realizing he was shirtless. We better not have had sex because I don't remember a thing from last night. He groaned again. If he and Whizzer did do anything last night he'd like to at least remember it.

Marvin saw the glass of water on the night stand and smiled softly. He reached for it and took a sip before getting out of the bed and putting the blanket over his shoulders for some warmth as he walked out of the bedroom. He immediately saw the blanket and pillow on the couch feeling happy that they didn't have sex but bad because Whizzer had to sleep on a couch. "Whizzer?" He whispered softly, being careful not to get too loud and make his headache worse. The sun coming through the windows wasn't helping much so he pulled the blanket up higher to cover his head as he walked around Whizzer's loft. "Whizzer?" He tried again. "Where are you?"

From the corner of his eye he saw Whizzer's head pop up from behind the island. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He said with a soft smile as he stood up, cooing at the sight of Marvin with tired eyes and wrapped in a blanket. "How's the hangover feeling?"

"Don't be an ass." Marvin rolled his eyes and made his way over to him wanting to open his arms and wrap him up in the blanket with him but deciding strongly against it.

"Hey, an ass wouldn't bring you Advil." Whizzer retorted holding his hand out to expose the two pills. "Take these, I got us bagels and muffins and made coffee."

Marvin was surprised at how much Whizzer had prepared. "Uh what time is is?" He questioned as he took the pills and dry swallowed them, regretting it right away.

Whizzer shook his head and poured Marvin a glass of water "It's just about half past twelve." Marvin took the glass with a strained smile and took a big gulp. "Thank you for all this." Marvin said still whispering "I uh-" his cheeks were turning red.
"Shut up and eat Marvin." Whizzer chuckled.
"You had my shirt damn near off before we even got into the loft and pouted like a little baby when I slapped your hand away." Whizzer teased filling in Marvin about last night.

"Oh my god." Marvin groaned running a hand down his face which was turning red. Whizzer seemed to make him flustered a lot in their short time of knowing each other.

A comfortable silence fell between them as they finished up eating. Marvin was still wrapped up in the blanket, sitting in the corner of the couch with his legs cross crossed. Whizzer was a space or two away from him, moving his legs off the coffee table to cuddle into his pillow from the night before. In less than a day he and Marvin had formed a rather interesting relationship. Looking at them now they seem as though they've know each other for years. Yet, no matter how close they seemed it didn't erase the fact that they were still basically strangers.  Whizzer didn't want this to be a one time thing. He liked having Marvin around. He liked waking up and knowing he'd had someone to spend the day with, but it scared him. He was never one for relationships. He had a lot of one night stands, meaningless relationships and even an unintentional sugar daddy once, but a real relationship with real feelings was foreign to him. He looked over at Marvin, who now had his eyes close and head lying on a throw pillow. Soft tuffs of hair revealed themselves from under the blanket as he stretched his legs. One shoulder was now revealed too along with his muscular bicep. I can't do this. Whizzer had a gallery he had to focus on and a relationship would just distract him, but that didn't mean he couldn't see Marvin anymore. They could hangout still and crash at eachother places if one of them got too drunk. We just met why am I thinking out a whole future for us? He sighed softly. "You okay Whizzer?" Marvin asked sleepily, not moving from his spot an inch until Whizzer didn't answer and he touched his leg with his cold toes.

"I'm perfect." He replied letting himself rest on the couch again like he did last night but this time his legs were intertwined with Marvin's.

Let's have a kiki
I wanna have a kiki
Lock the doors tight
Let's have kiki

Whizzer reached around blindly for his phone while Marvin groaned, "Shut it off." drawing out each word.

Whizzer grabbed his phone and answered "Hello?" He said groggily "Oh hello Mr, Servius." He added snapping awake immediately. "Yes I have pulled together some photos, I just have to get a few developed and edit them together." He looked over to Marvin who was still curled up. "I think it will be a perfect picture to showcase." Mr. Servius was pleased by the news and fell into conversation with Whizzer about Gallery preparations.

Marvin was too tired to comprehend what was going on but he knew that he should be goi going soon. Marvin rubbed his eyes softly and reached for his own phone. 5 missed calls from Mom and 7 missed calls from Dad. He rolled his eyes but stood up and went to Whizzer's room to gather his clothes and change into them. As began to change into his clothes from last night he made an effort to fix his hair but gave seeing as it wouldn't settle to one side. He didn't want to deal with his parents right but he knew they'd just call until they got ahold of him.

Whizzer came into the room a short while after, once he was off the phone. When he took in that Marvin was dressed he deflated slightly. He's not yours, he reminded himself. When Marvin noticed Whizzer was looking a bit unhappy. "Hey," he reached out for Whizzer, placing his hand on his arm. "You okay?"

Whizzer looked at the hand on his arm and than up at Marvin and smiled softly. "Yeah, I just uh have to go get some work done." He replied.

"Yeah so do I." He sighed softly "My parents have called a shit load of times." He  faced Whizzer and gave his arm a gentle squeeze "I'll be by tomorrow at seven to pick you up. Wear something pretty." He said with a smirk.

"Y-yeah okay." Whizzer smiled softly "See you tomorrow."

Marvin smiled softly and gathered his things. "See you tomorrow." He responded as he walked towards the door and off to deal with his parents.

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