Chapter Five

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Marvin exited the elevator and walked to his door. He may have seemed confident with asking out Whizzer but he was still shocked that he actually did it. This was going to be both his first date since Trina and first date with a man. Everything had to be perfect. He had to pick out a nice place and nice outfit. Maybe he'd call Trina and ask her to come over to help him out.

For now he had to deal with his parents. I'll just call them back once I'm inside. He pulled his keys out from his pocket and unlocked the door. Once he deals with his parents all he had to do plan out the perfect night for him and Whizzer. He pushed the door open while doing a little happy dance. "Finally you're home we've been calling you all morning." Fuck. Marvin froze, praying that he was just imagining that voice, but he knew he'd never willing imagine that.

He turned slowly "Hello mother." He pushed the door closed behind him and visibly sighed as he walked further into his apartment, his eyes falling right onto Trina. His eyebrows furrowed, "What are you doing here?" He questioned, annoyance clear in his voice.
She smiled stiffly "Your parents invited me over." I'm so sorry, she said with the soft look of her eyes. Marvin gave her a soft smile returning the look. He knew his parents wanted them back together but he didn't think that they'd drag her down to his apartment.

"No need to be rude son." His father interrupted "Take a seat and refrain from that dancing stuff while your at it." Marvin repressed a groan and followed his fathers orders.
He sat with his back straight, legs spread slightly not crossed or together and his hands on the arm rest; just like his parents had instructed him every day since he could understand English and sit up on his own. "Where were you? We called multiple times, we were starting to worry?" His mother questioned.

No you weren't. "I stood over a friends house last night." Trina instantly perked up at this, since she was Marvin's only friend, and looked over to him with a wide grin, eyes pleading for information. He ignored her hungry eyes and held in a laugh as he continued "We went out for drinks and I didn't want to catch a cab or take the train back here so he let me crash at his."

"Getting drunk on a Wednesday night isn't very responsible Marvin. You need to keep up a professional appearance at all times no matter where you are or who you are with." His father reprimanded him.

Trina flinched at this, still not used to how Marvin's parents constantly picked on anything he did. The poor guy wasn't able to have an inch of fun without hearing about the danger it could cause towards his career. She wanted to reach out and hold Marvin but he was on the other side of the room. Instead she folded her hands together in her lap and squeezed them.

"Anyway," his mother started, drawing all attention towards her "we are here to talk about the interview yesterday. How did it go?"

o your not. "It went well, I should be getting a call that I got it. He seemed very pleased with me." He felt his shoulder slump as he talked but quickly fixed himself. His mother smiled at this, pleased that he was following through with their request, but now they needed to fix one mistake he made. "Well that's  great honey," she smiled. Marvin wished it ended there but his parent could never end on a note were they gave him a bit of praise. "We are throwing a little party to celebrate your accomplishments and we felt that Trina would be the perfect date for you."

This caused Trina to sit up straight and meet eyes with Marvin quickly. This made Marvin feel better knowing he wasn't the only one caught off guard, but he felt bad about Trina being dragged into his messed up family again. His parents were waiting for answers while Trina and Marvin stared at each other helplessly. "Trina can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Marvin asked already knowing her answer. He stood and held his hand out to Trina, which she took as she stood. "We will be right back." His mother waved them off as Marvin lead Trina to his room and closed the door behind him.

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