Chapter Six

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Whizzer rolled over and cuddled close to whatever was soft and emitting heat from beside him. He wrapped his arms around it and earned a groan. It was Mendel, preferably Mendel's ass and Whizzer had just punched his dick. "Why," Mendel groaned, clearly in pain. "why do you always do this to me?" Whizzer made no attempt to move just letting out a soft sigh "I'm sorry but your ass is like a small pillow."
Each time Whizzer and Mendel had sleepovers they slept in the same bed and each time they would roll over, kick, cuddle and even punch each other throughout the night. It wasn't the best sleeping conditions but it was comfortable for them, in a weird way. Mendel huffed softly as he fixed himself, rolling over while trying to push Whizzer away. "I'm fine with this too." Whizzer said nuzzling into his lap, easily getting comfortable.
"I just want to sleep." Mendel whined, rolling away from Whizzer completely. However, he rolled too far and ended up on the floor with some throw pillows and a blanket. "Fuck." He groaned.
Whizzer stifled a laugh as he moved to peak over the edge of the bed. "Baby come back to bed." Whizzer teased, a smirk on his face as he looked down at Mendel.
What Whizzer wasn't expecting was for Mendel to grab a throw pillow so quickly and peg him in the face with it. He held his nose as he leaned back on the bed. "I think I'm dead."
"You are talking to me you idiot." Mendel shot back as he lifted himself back onto the bed a camera now in his hand. "Here we have a baby Whizzer, overreacted as he does everyday." Mendel narrated as he snapped photos of Whizzer.
Whizzer looked over to him and gave him the finger. "Whizzer's can be very hostile. We must tread lightly to not anger him further." Mendel peaked over at the clock. "Time log; it is 5:30 pm, a normal waking time for a Whizzer when forcing his best friend to binge watch eighties movies until five in the morning." Whizzer reached for the camera still holding his nose. "Oh he's attacking." Mendel jumped off the bed and ran away into the living area.
Whizzer huffed, removing his hand from his nose and feeling it to make sure he wasn't bleeding or in fact dying as he assumed. He stood, fixing his boxers before chasing after Mendel. Mendel seemed to forget how much smaller he was than Whizzer and how easily Whizzer could catch him when he wanted to. It took seconds for Whizzer to get the camera in his hands and take pictures of Mendel. "Oh how the tables have turned." He grinned "Here we have a wild Mendel struggling to get away." He caught as Mendel lifted another pillow and threw it at him. "Here he is giving me perfect shots for my gallery when getting in touch with his aggressive side."
"No, don't you dare!" Mendel covered his face and made a b-line for the room. Whizzer loved to take photos of Mendel, wether it be funny pictures or professional pictures. Mendel was the only person who supported him through college and became a big part of his work even if he hated it the majority of the time.
Whizzer let out a chuckle as he watched Mendel disappear into the room. He followed after him to find a lump underneath the sheets on his bed. He set his camera down, making sure it was off, and moved to the bed. "Hmm I wonder where Mendel is?" He got up onto the bed and stood on it. "I guess he won't mind if I just jump on the bed a bit." Whizzer started to jump around Mendel, watching as his body flopped up and down under the blanket, struggling to stay still. Little shrieks came out of Mendel's mouth as he tried to stay in the middle. Whizzer moved back to keep from stepping on him, completely unaware how close he was to the edge. As he jumped up again he moved back a bit more, only touching the edge of the bed with the toes of his left foot and landed on the floor with a loud thump.
Mendel moved the blanket off of his head and peaked over the edge of the bed, mimicking Whizzer's actions before. "Baby come back to bed." He chuckled while watching a clearly in pain Whizzer slowly get up with multiple groans.
"Fuck you." Whizzer said as leaned forward than side to side to crack his back. "I want pancakes."
Mendel was at the stove making pancakes and turkey bacon while Whizzer was taking more pictures of him to use for his gallery. "Don't you have enough pictures of me already?" Mendel questioned as he placed the bacon on a plate and started flipping the pancakes.
Whizzer moved to the side of him and kept shooting. "I could never have enough pictures of The Mendel Weisenbachfeld." He retorted with a smile which caused Mendel to laugh softly and look over to him. "The foods almost done, put away the camera please." He said softly as he start putting the pancakes on plates.
"Yes Mom." Whizzer teased and he turned off his camera, placing it on the coffee table. He came back to island happily to find the food placed on a plate for him. "Have I ever told you I love you." He smiled over at Mendel.
"Yes, but not so much recently. It feels good to be appreciated." Mendel replied dramatically as he took a seat beside Whizzer "You do know your date will be here in," he took a second to check his watch "an hour to get you right?"
Whizzer nodded, his mouth full with a piece of pancake. "I wanted pancakes." He shrugged and continued to eat. Mendel didn't question any further but just continued to alongside him.
Marvin went through a mental checklist as he exited the elevator and walked to Whizzer's door. He made reservations at Gramercy Tavern for 7:30, he had on the outfit Trina picked out for him and planned to have a nice walk in Central Park after. Everything would be perfect.
As he neared Whizzer's apartment he heard yelling and a lot of fumbling around. "It doesn't fit!" One man yelled.
"I'll make it fit!" The other voice called out which sounded a lot like Whizzer. Marvin furrowed his eyebrows together confused at why Whizzer would have have another man in his house just minutes before they were going on a date. Hesitantly he knocked on the door and waited patiently as his mind filled with thoughts of what could be happening behind the closed door. "I got it!" The first mans voice groaned "Hurry up Whizzer."
Marvin heard the feet padding towards the door, a few seconds later it was opened. Before him was a man with curly hair and thick dark beard and he was short, shorter than him. Marvin looked him over for a second longer with a grimace before he was snapped out of it when the man in front of him spoke. "No flowers," he made a face "off to a bad start." He moved aside and opened the door wider for Marvin to enter. "I'm Mendel." He added once Marvin was in the loft and closed the door behind him.
Marvin didn't bother giving the man his name, his presence was annoying him right now and he didn't want to deal with him for much longer. "Is Whizzer almost ready? I have reservations for 7:30." He asked looking over the man and into the space behind him.
"I forgot you just met Whizzer yesterday." Mendel laughed lightly and rolled his eyes. "He's never exactly on time." Marvin didn't like the tone Mendel took with him, as if he was better than him.
"Mendel stop shit talking." Whizzer said as he walked out in a white shirt with the top few buttons open and a blue suit. Marvin couldn't help but smile as he saw Whizzer come out of his room and into the living area. He watched as Whizzer walked to Mendel and handed him his bag "I want my shirt and sweater back and let me know when you get to the office."
Mendel rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag. "Yes Mom." He patted himself down making sure he had everything. "And I wasn't exactly talking shit it is 7:20."
Marvin watched to interaction between the two men unfold in front of him. Anger rose in him when he saw how close and comfortable around each other the two men were. "I'll see you later." Mendel said and Whizzer kissed his cheek quickly, earning a shove from Mendel as before he walked out.
Whizzer turned back Marvin with a smile, "I'm sorry I took so long. I heard you got a reservation for 7:30." Whizzer checked his watch and bit his lip. "Where was it for?"
Marvin was still on the fact that Whizzer had a man in his house when he knew that they a date. A man who made him late for their date and miss their reservation. Marvin pulled on a smile never the less "Gramercy Tavern."
Whizzer's eyes widened. Gramercy Tavern was expensive he was only there a few times and that was during the sugar daddy phase. Would be a shame to let the reservation go to waste. Whizzer liked Marvin, he really did but being spoiled was something his missed and he'd be damned if he let that slip away from him tonight. With the few times Whizzer had gone there he'd become friendly with some waiters, busboys and maître d's around his age, many of them who fell into the same business he did. "I think I can get us in." He smiled and looped his arm with Marvin's.
Marvin didn't question him even though he was interested how someone like Whizzer would be able to get them into a fancy restaurant. He just went along with it leading Whizzer out of his loft and down to the car he had waiting for them. He opened the door for Whizzer and he slid in, taking in this long lost feeling.
Marvin open the door for Whizzer, holding a hand out for him, which he took and carefully got out of the car. He smoothed down his tux, than looped his arm with Marvin's allowing him to lead him into the restaurant. As they neared the entrance the doorman gave them a nod and opened the door for them. Whizzer smiled over to Marvin who smiled back and kissed his cheek. A chill went through Whizzer as this happen, causing him to lean into Marvin. "I meant to tell you earlier but you look beautiful tonight." He whispered into Whizzer's ear softly. They earned looks from people surrounding them but in that moment they didn't care one bit. This closeness between them and contact of skin on skin was a bliss to them.
"Whizzer?" This popped their bubble and pulled them back to reality. Whizzer looked over to find Anthony, an old acquaintance of his from when he was brought here. He smiled softly "Tony, how are you?" Marvin moved his arm from Whizzer's to go around his waist, giving him a gentle squeeze. He was uncomfortable with all the men Whizzer seemed to know and have or had close relationships with.
Anthony took in the sight in front of him and smirked "You seem to be back in business." Marvin's eyebrows furrowed at this and Whizzer eyes widened slightly. The smile towards Anthony was replaced with a grimace. "I'm here on a date actually. We are a couple of minutes late for our reservations. I know you can still get us a table or should I go straight to Gustave." He said, hostility clear in his voice.
Marvin looked over to him shocked that the cute and kind photographer he met yesterday could be demanding and threatening. I have a lot to learn about him. This peaked his interest further about Whizzer. He gave his hip another squeeze, a soft smile placed on his lips. The name Gustave seemed to get the maître d's attention. "Who is the reservation under?" He spoke in a rushed tone, his cheeks heating up as he waited for a response.
Marvin looked over to him and bit his lip nervously. "It's under Marvin." He said quickly.
"And the last name is," Anthony cringed and looked up at him "Eichenbaum Ad-"
"Just Eichenbaum, Marvin Eichenbaum." He cut him off quickly glaring at the man in front of him. Whizzer could sense the tension surround the topic of his name and wanted desperately to know more.
Anthony stopped quickly, grabbing to menus and quickly leading the couple to their table. "Isn't he an asshole?" Whizzer whispered over to Marvin.
"Yeah, but so are we." He grinned.
Whizzer was sipping from his second glass of wine while listening to Marvin talk about his day and how he found out he did in fact get the accounting job. His parents knew before him which is why they stopped by his house yesterday to let him know of the party they were going to have for him. When hearing of a party Whizzer asked if he would be Marvin's date but earned nothing but a stammer and an excuse of how he wouldn't enjoy his parents which Whizzer protested and Marvin ignored calls changing the topic quickly.
Marvin was going on about some accounting stuff that Whizzer didn't understand at all, but got him through his third glass of  Veuve Clicquot  La Grande Dame Vintage. His glass was filled when their waiter came around to collect their empty plates. Though Whizzer wasn't exactly paying attention to Marvin's account talk his eyes were focused on his lips. "Marvin I have no idea what you are talking about but you sure do look good while doing it." Whizzer smiled softly resting his chin in his hands.
Marvin chuckle softly even though he didn't exactly appreciate being cut off. "How about we talk about something you can be included in," he leaned back in his seat. "like what happened between you and that guy Anthony. How'd you know him?" Marvin questioned, feeling as though now was as of good of a time then ever to ask.
Whizzer sat up a bit straighter at the mention of Anthony. The one sugar daddy Whizzer did have lead him to be an escort for a while, which helped him get through college after his parents cut him off for sticking with photography rather than doing something more "practical". He didn't like thinking about those times. They may have gotten him where he is today but those were very difficult points of his life. Becoming friends with people who did the same thing as you was an outlet since they understood exactly what you went through. During these times Whizzer and Mendel's relationship was a bit rocky with Mendel being constantly worried and Whizzer constantly protesting that he was fine and could handle things himself. Whizzer reached for his glass and took a sip of he freshly filled glass. "We used to work together when we were in college." Not a lie, but not the truth. "We had a falling out." He added quickly. Which they did.
Whizzer and Anthony used to be very close, not close like he and Mendel but close. That all changed when Whizzer was starting to pick up some of Anthony's regulars. It's not like he was seeking them, who ever contacted him was who Whizzer usually dealt with. This lead to anything "struggling" with money, which just meant he wasn't getting pampered or paid by as many men as usual, however he still had many clients, Whizzer just had a lot more and it bothered him.
Whizzer forced a smile onto his lips and waved his hand dismissing any awkwardness that had loomed in between he and Marvin. "It was in the past." Marvin didn't push to see where they'd work together or get and more information but he didn't move on to ask about Mendel. "Mendel has be my best friend for the longest we met in highschool and ended up going to Columbia University here in New York." Whizzer smiled thinking back on the beginning of the friendship "We've just always watched out for each other he's the most important person in my life."
Marvin's hand were involuntarily clenching as a burning sensation rose in his chest. He knew that Whizzer said both men were just friends and Mendel was basically family but his closeness with other men angered him. "How many men have you had such close friendships with Whizzer?" The words were out of Marvin's moth before he could even think of stopping himself. He shocked not only Whizzer but himself. Yes, he wanted to let these words out but he wasn't expecting in now in a crowded fancy restaurant.
Whizzer narrowed his eyes on Marvin. "What are you trying to imply?" Say it, Whizzer dared Marvin mentally. The once sweet and flustered man he took a picture of at Central Park was gone and replaced with someone else. He shouldn't like him like this, hell he'd be an idiot to but this jealously that was clearly getting him riled up was fun to toy with.
"I rather not do this here." Marvin said backing down slightly, unaware of where this was headed. He wanted a perfect date and while he enjoyed how Whizzer was pushing back just as hard as him he felt it would be best to kill what ever fire was beginning to grow here.
Whizzer called over a waiter and spoke in a quick hushed tone then sent them off. "The bill is handled now let's continue on with this talk shall we?" Whizzer lifted an eyebrow slightly as he pushed his chair back and stood, walking towards the exit, Marvin not to far behind.
"You're an ass!" Whizzer's spat. Marvin was questioning him and all his male friends he had, mainly Mendel who there was literally no connection with other than the one time they kissed when Mendel was shit face drunk. Yes, Whizzer slept around but he did not need Marvin calling him out on it. "What happened in my past doesn't matter and it's none of your business! I just met you." This struck Whizzer. He did just meet Marvin and he could get out of the car right now and never have any contact with him again, so why didn't he? Because I want him. That was clear for both Whizzer and Marvin. They enjoyed this, pushing each other hard and waiting to see how the other would counter. Was it unhealthy? Yes, very, but that didn't matter. The arguing sparked a flame within them, it aroused them.
"Well Whizzer I would like to have some idea of who the person I'm dating has fucked around with." Marvin shot back. Truthfully he didn't care, he just didn't like that they were still around, that Whizzer may still have some type friendship or even acquaintance with flings from his past.
Whizzer's hair was messed up from constantly running his hand through his hair in frustration. Marvin wanted to desperately run his hands through his hair or grab him by it. Whizzer's lips were wet from him constantly licking them and the were lines in his forhead from him furrowing his brow. The knock on the partition signaled that they were now at his apartment, the walk in the park was cancelled once they got back to the car. "Get out." Marvin said roughly before turning to open the door on his side and get out of the car. Whizzer huffed and did the same, soon being grabbed by his arm by Marvin and lead to the elevator. "Let go of me." Whizzer snatched his arm away and crossed his arms.
"Don't be such a baby Whizzer." Marvin rolled his eyes and got into the elevator when it came. "Let's go." He grabbed him again pulling him in with him and pushing him against a wall as the doors shut. Whizzer winced slightly and looked at Marvin in shock and interest. He caught his bottom lip between his teeth and let Marvin handle him how he wanted. "Oh you like this?" Marvin raised an eyebrow as he saw the look on Whizzer's face. He ran his hand through his hair and pulled it back, opening up his neck and letting his lips hover just above it. "You like being taken care of huh?" He place a kiss just under Whizzer's ear sending chills down his spine.
"Yeah, but usually there's not much talking." Whizzer retorted. The ping of the elevator signaled that they were on Marvin's floor. Marvin bit Whizzer ear lightly cause a low groan to escape Whizzer's lips "That mouth of yours is probably to busy doing other things to actually have a conversation." Marvin shot back, and made his way out of the elevator, leaving Whizzer stunned.
He was already by his door when Whizzer came striding down the hallway to meet him. "You call this a conversation?" Whizzer scoffed and motioned between them. "If so, you're more fucked up then I thought." Marvin didn't respond, just unlocked and swung his door open before heading in. "What, now you don't want to talk?" Whizzer followed after him, slamming the door shut behind him. "You were just Mr. Tough Guy calling me out on who I fucked now you're quite." He walked up to Marvin and turn him towards him. "What, you can't handle it now?" Whizzer's smirk on his face was all Marvin needed to push Whizzer up against the nearest wall and press his lips to Whizzer's, kissing him hard.
Whizzer didn't hesitate to kiss back. He pulled Marvin closer, grabbing his ass as he did so. Marvin smirked into the kiss before pulling apart to rip Whizzer's shirt open the rest of the way. Whizzer took this time to push Marvin's jacket off of his shoulders and remove his tie before taking of his own jacket. The fire between them grew with each touch, pull and kiss shared. Marvin grabbed Whizzer by his waist and pulled him back into him, kissing and biting his neck and collar hard enough to leave some questionable marks behind. Whizzer shamelessly let out a moan and gripped onto Marvin's waist. Whizzer let his hands move from Marvin's waist to unbutton his pants and push them down. "Relax." Marvin whispered into his ear, earning a groan from Whizzer.
He pulled back from Marvin taking his shirt of completely and undo his belt. "Are you going to fuck me or not?" He stood in front of Marvin waiting for him to response. Marvin let his eyes scan over Whizzer's body, taking each part of him in before grabbing his belt, pulling it free from his pants and tossing it aside. Whizzer smirked as Marvin grabbed him and kissed him hard before guiding him back into his room and pushing him down onto the bed.
Whizzer watched as Marvin kicked of his shoes before getting on top of him. He let his hands wander across Marvin's chest and up to his arms. I could get use to this, thought as marvin moved to kissing his neck again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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