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F I N N & M I L L I E

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Finn had had enough.

He needed fresh air, he needed to breathe.

It was as if he was floating in the abandoned ocean, stifled onto the surface until he was slowly drowning - with waves splashing thunderously near the tide. And worst of all, his inside screaming was like a mere whisper, for nobody to hear - for nobody to help.

He shuddered at the thought of it, with his hands jittery and his head swimming frantically.

Nonetheless, the freckled boy needed a break.

Finn had come to the ball with Vilde, with her being drunk and clingy, peppering clumsy and sloppy kisses to his freckled cheek and all Finn could do was privately grimace, finding every possible way to make the space between them much larger.

She slurred lazily she'd head over to the restroom, giggling all about and that was Finn's final chance to bolt hastily out of the booming auditorium.

So with that, he opened the heavy doors and off he went.

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The atmosphere was normally quiet as he walked through the bricked hallways.

The stars were gazing and the sky was iridescent blue. Finn could see the moon and this time, for once in all, it wasn't full. Rather, it was half. Up deep in the sky with its exhilarated colors. Finn smiled at that, loving how vibrant and alive tonight was.

He'd thought of going to back to his dorm for some matter, ignoring the music from inside the building.

He was just tired. Tired of everything in general. And maybe, this was chance to rest. To feel free. Just once.

But then Finn imagined getting to his dorm, sitting on his own side of the bed, covering his pale body with the duvet next to him, trying so hard not to listen to the laughter, the hollering, the everything of everything.

He laughed at himself. He's such a fool. An utter, complete, ridiculous fool.

Finn looked down and scoffed. School trousers. School fucking trousers because he can't even afford new ones. He can't afford anything because he's broke. Broke and lonely, with no seek of help or care in the world. He should pity himself in all honesty.

On second thought, he didn't want to go back. He didn't want to go back to his flat, entering the sudden darkness before him. He did not want that. Not at all.

So instead, he made a halt, turning around and heading to the lake. That would make him feel better. So, so much better.

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Finn sat at the edge of the lake, staring at his own mirrored reflection. He played with the bits of grass around him, even throwing a few pebbles into the darkened water, making small waves of vibration.


He turned around, eyes meeting with big brown ones. It was Millie and Finn could've sworn he was blown away.

She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful in her small gown and flower crown and he couldn't help but give her a small smile.

She returned one back gleefully, suddenly sitting beside him, fiddling with a pebble near the edge of the lake.

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