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Holiday festivals were such cheers back at Millie's hometown. Their house was decorated; with Christmas fluorescent lights plastered on the edges of the wooden roof and path lights flickered on making a way for guests to enter their wellbeing home.

As individuals entered, they had many gifts; one being new sweaters with different patterns for the young brunette, an ol' big Hennessy for her mother, like their neighbor - Mister Harbour liked to call it and a few holiday giftcards from familiar faces.

Maddie Ziegler was one of those familiar faces that caught Millie's attention. She hadn't changed at all except that she had grown taller over the past few months of them apart and her eyes seemed to be more blue, if that made any sense.

She smiled so brightly like the radiation from the sun as she looked back at Millie and Millie couldn't help but flash the same smile back.

With their childish squeals, they went straight to talking. Millie, on most of the part talked about the academy and their schedule which was died down with Maddie whining, wanting her to talk about anyone she's met, most particularly, anyone that's "caught her eye".

Millie's cheeks immediately flushed at that statement, feeling her stomach shuddering butterflies.

"Oh my god, you're blushing!"

"No I'm not!"

"Are too!"

With her weak protesting, they've dropped the topic, going along with other useless topics to keep them distracted.

The more they interacted, the more Millie missed this. Missed her. She could remember the itty bitty conversations they had back then - boys, school, clothes - everything. It made Millie's heart swell, missing everything the two of them shared as best friends.

But that deep feeling, that horrible dark feeling rumbled as the thought of "best friends" were no more between them. As if, they've separated their ways for their own lives, as if they've moved on.

All those flowing thoughts scattered away as Millie heard the sound of clinking against her glass cup.

She looked up to see those once beautiful blue eyes staring back at her, with soft fondness colored all over.

"Merry Christmas, Millie."

Maybe those thoughts didn't matter as much as now, because this moment, this bonding, meant more than anything to Millie because this was a one in a lifetime thing and this, just this, will be forever cherished in Millie's heart.

"Merry Christmas, Maddie."

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St. Flintridge was back on track as the hallways were scattered with passing loud students, going on and on and on about their marvelous holiday weekend.

Millie, on the other hand, was planning on walking outside to probably take a quick stroll around the park before heading back to her dorm. She loved the cool breeze of the groups of flowers pattered on each side of the pathway with their feverous scent that can boggle anyone's sound mind.

That probably was cancelled once she felt cold hands that grabbed onto her wrist, getting pulled to a corner.

"What the hell!"

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