[ 15 ]

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Finn was radiating, not in the horrendous kind though. He remembered not feeling this way down in the pit of his stomach, rather alone - empty in that matter. With his mother's frantic footsteps that cluttered up his ears. His father calling after her, pleading for her to slow down. He could not recall those once stubborn sounds stopping even after smothering his face and ears into the pillow, to block out everything. The pain. The distrust. Everything.

His mind was a deep well of propofol in a IV drip, slow, slow, slow.

Until the day there was no more.

There was a girl in his arms. A girl who was smart, amazing - beautiful. A girl who was everything to Finn. The freckled boy knew the stars held centuries upon centuries of truths, that the skies and his life are determined, that choices are limited. But he also knew, down to the nuclei of every cell in his body that with his free will, he would choose the young girl, Millie, to be in his arms for all time. He would re-write every theory and re-direct the pathway of every star if it really meant that he would keep Millie with him.

Now here they were, with Millie being the pure and grumpy child she was, tugging onto her light pink puffy skiwear. Her short hair was curled into small pigtails that dangled on her shoulder blades, a black beanie that hid most of her luscious hair and goggles that clung onto the wooly hat.

"You look fine Mills, it's just skiing!"

"That's what you think." she rolled her eyes fondly as she fiddled with her jet black trekking poles that propelled into the freezing ground.

Finn pulled on a smirk with a pair of wiggling eyebrows. "Mills! Are you trying to fancy me?"

Millie spluttered at the sudden reveal with her cheeks bursting to bright red. "I- That wasn't-"

"I'm absolutely flattered !" the boy continued to mock as he pounded sarcastically on his taut chest to the poor girl, being exhilarated on how she squirmed from his teasing. He could not get enough of her one bit.

Millie pouted as she tried to wriggle out of his firm arms, one hand pushing on the quite loose fabric of his navy blue skiwear.

Finn tightened his hold on her. "You're not going to get rid of me that easily, Millie Brown. I'll have you know that I have this irresistible animal magnetism which you cannot handle. You touch me and you simply can't hold back and control your urge to attack me with millions of kisses."

"You're actually such an asshole. I'm going to burn your phone and make sure everyone knows you can't trust a face with freckles and those brown eyes of yours. My mother told me to stay away from boys like you."

Finn was now the one to pout his pink and chapped lips. "That's a shame Millie, because you're mine now."

Millie hummed as she brushed their noses together and breathed against his mouth. Finn being the fucker he is, teased the pretty creature for another second as he ghosted over her lips once, twice. When Millie let out a whiny sigh, Finn finally closed the distance between them and pressed their mouths together for a long, smiling kiss.

It's unbelievable how a single kiss can get them going, but here they were. Finn's lips were tingling and he felt them swelling by the minute. He could tell Millie was quite overwhelmed as well because she then pulled her lips away, gasping slightly onto the boy's chin.

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