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Friday, August 9

"Let's start with the fundamentals."

I jump in surprise and glare at Niall who has materialized in the doorway. A small apologetic smile brightens his features. I roll my eyes and shrug, letting the air from my lungs empty. I've been in a poor mood all morning— well not all morning.

Actually, it started out great. I woke up at the ass crack of dawn and got ready for work. I figured, if I was ready, there would be no way Harry could stop me from going... I'm not sure if it's that I've become a push over or that Harry is a sex god, but he has gotten way too good at getting his way...

Let's just say the argument didn't last long and Harry owes me a more lingerie and a new dress.

Then he left me naked in his bed and strolled off to work with a smug grin that made me want to slap the shit out of him. I've been stewing over the whole thing all morning long and every time I play it out, I get more annoyed with myself. I just... can't believe I wasn't able to stand my ground. I blame the angel emotions...

"The universe is vast Aurora Whitman," Niall drags my attention way from my thoughts and I'm swept away in a current of blue. "not even The Father knows its end."

He lifts his index finger towards me and instinctively I shy away. Niall tilts his lips reassuringly and I have to make a conscious effort to stay still. I mean, you can't blame me,  I have no idea what the fuck is about to happen... He touches my forehead and a flash of light blinds me but I'm frozen in place. Colors swirl before my vision and when everything falls into focus, I'm surrounded by darkness and specks of light.

Oh my god... I'm in space! Clusters of stars form galaxies around me as I float through the darkness and the only sound is Niall's melodic tale.

"The universe demands balance in all things; creation, life... power— not even The Father is above this law. When man was created," I blink and the Earth appears with a shadowed figure of a man looming over it, weaving dust between his fingers. "he created something so pure that nature demanded a balance and so man was gifted freewill."

Another blink and I'm in a beautiful garden filled with flowers and fruits that I have never seen before. Everything is bathed in sunshine and the air is so crisp you can almost taste it. It's Paradise on Earth and in its center sits a tree with a serpent hanging from its branches, hissing sweet words to a naked man and woman.

"Lucifer used the freewill of Adam and Eve as a gateway for darkness into The Fathers creation and, again, nature demanded a balance, so The Father sent a legion of angels to protect them. He named them Guardians."

A glorious swarm of wingless angles fall from the sky like shooting stars and among them, I recognize Niall. How old is he?

"The skies of Paradise wept for The Father's fallen children, and in The Creator's sorrow, he stripped the Guardians of their emotions so that the world would not corrupt them."

Wait a second... that liar! He said angels are extremely emotional. I can't believe he said that just to make me feel better. I thought I could trust him...

"You can." Niall scolds, reading my thoughts and the image before me falls into blackness. "Just be patient, I'm getting to that part."

Sorry... I feel Niall's annoyance at my lack of faith in his intentions, but he brushes it off quickly. The world goes into a time lapse, changing, growing, evolving.

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