h u r t

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

Pain rushed through my head while I close the door leaving Tae outside. I don't wanna remember that he wasn't there for me, and that he basically helped Woo Bin. He didn't know that Woo Bin was gonna do that, but it doesn't matter anymore. It was predictable.

I limp my way to the couch to collapse on it and I switch the t.v. on.


Hours passed, yet I still lay on the couch watching what was on t.v.

"I'll never leave you." Said one of the kdrama characters.

Tae said that before....I hate kdramas now.


"Jungkookie!" My sister calls, shaking me until I wake up.


"What the fuck do mean 'hey'?" She asks. "I haven't seen you in days and as soon as I get back from a trip, you say hey?"

"Sorry." I apologize quietly.

"Look at you, you look like crap."

"I always do."

"Fuck, are you depressed?"

I shake my head.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing Jiyu unni.."

Shit I do seem depressed

"Did you cook?" Jiyu asks. I shook my head "I wasn't hungry."

"Jungkook, what happened?" Her tone was now soft and full of concern. Somewhat like my mother's.

I shake my head at her question. "Nothing happened." Jiyu frowned. "You're my sister. You can tell me anything." I shake my head again. "I'm just bored."

"Then let's go to the mall!" Jiyu exclaimed and picked up her purse. She then scanned my body and stared disapprovingly. "You need to fix yourself up first." I groan, but obey anyways. What else can I do?

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