Chapter 9

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        When I woke up, I was still laying on Dean's bed, It looked like he was arguing with Sam. I remembered that the alcohol was still in the car, I sat up slowly. 

        "Hey, you're awake"

        I looked to my left to see Cody sitting in a chair drinking a beer, and with the alcohol sitting right beside him. I cracked my neck, and sighed "Nobody touched my alcohol did they?"

        He shook his head, and handed me, my alcohol. I popped the lid off of the scotch, and downed some of it "Dad will you shut the fuck up!"

        Dean looked over at me, Cody got up, and attempted to take the bottle away. I hugged the bottle to my chest "Mine"

        Dean sighed "Cody just take the whiskey away from her"

        Cody reached for the whiskey bottle. I hit his hand and grabbed the bottle "Stop"

        He gave me a look "Give me the bottles of Alcohol"

        I shook my head. "No, go away. You might be really cute, but no"

        Sam looked at us "Mind explaining?"

        Cody shook his head "Give me the bottles Ashly"

        I shook my head "Fuck yo-"

        He cut me off by kissing me. He took the bottles out of my hands, Dean grabbed his shoulder "Cody get away from my daughter"

        Cody laughed as he showed Dean the empty bottles "Got 'em"

        I grumbled "Assbutt"

        Dean gave me a look "You've been spending time with Cas"

        I shook my head "No, but he's behind you"

        Dean spun around and stared at Cas "CAS DON'T DO THAT!"

        Cas cocked his head to the side "Ashly called. Why?"

        I pointed to Cody "He took away my alcohol"

        Cas sighed "Ashly, I have told you time, and time again. I cannot do anything about that. So stop praying for me to do so"

        Dean looked at Cas "Wait this has happened before?"

        Cas nodded "She has been buying, and drinking alcohol since she was 14 years old"

        Sam looked at me "Wait. Why?"

        Cas pointed to Dean "She thought she had seen Dean in a dream, and she swore you were her father. But she began having a drinking problem because in the dream you had been drinking Scotch, and whiskey. She started drinking beer out of her own accord."

        Dean looked at me, then back at Cas "You're kidding"

        I shook my head, and smiled brightly "Nope"

        Cas sighed "She is also what you would call. A happy drunk"

        Cody looked at me, and smirked "How many times you been laid?"        

        I shook my head, and counted on my fingers for the fun of it "None"

        He looked at me like he was surprised "You're kidding right?"

        I shook my head "Nope"

        Cas smiled "She is also stupid when she is drunk"

        Dean cocked his head to the side "What do you mean Cas?"

       Cody started to sit down beside me, I kicked him in the balls, and giggled slightly when he fell to the ground. Cas pointed towards us "Like now"

        Dean snapped his head towards us "Cody you okay?"

        Cody shook his head, and squeaked "Nope"

        Dean gave me a confused look "What'd she do?"

        Cody tried to stand up "She kicked me"

        Dean sighed "Where"

        Cody shook his head "You do not wanna know where dude"

        Dean nodded slowly "So that's what you mean"

        Cas nodded "She starts to think that everyone is trying to rape her. So she kicks them where it hurts"

        Sam looked at Cas "Wait. Has it happened to you?"

        Cas nodded "Twice"

        Dean sighed "Really Sammy, you had to ask that question"

        Sam sighed "What it was the first thought that came to mind"

        I smiled, and hugged Cody, he wrapped an arm around me. I tugged on his shirt. He looked at me "What Ash?"

        I smiled up at him "Piggyback ride?"

        He smirked, and helped me up on his back, we walked into the connecting bedroom, and back. Dean looked at us "Cody what is she doing?"

        He walked towards them, and I waved at them "I'm taking her back to the room"

        Sam nodded, and smiled "Make sure she don't kick you again"

        Cody nodded "I'll try"

        I smiled "There is do or do not. There is no try"

        He chuckled "Alright then. Will do"

        We walked into the room, and he set me down on the bed "Are you gonna be okay there killer?"

        I nodded, and he went to grab some clothes from his bed, "Cody"

        He looked at me "You don't sound drunk anymore"

        I shook my head "Because I'm not. I have this weird thing that makes me get over alcohol faster then normal people"

        He nodded slowly "oh"

        I nodded "Yeah, it would have taken me 'bout two bottles to make me actually drunk. Hand me my bag will you"

        He handed me my bag. I rooted through it, and found my other bottles of alcohol. I looked up at the room. I heard the water running in the bathroom. "I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING WEIRD DID I?"

        He walked out of the bathroom, with only pants on. (Major 8 pack going on there) I looked away quickly "You mean like callin' me cute"

        I cringed "Dad didn't hear did he?"

        He nodded, and smirked "Yes he did. He also watched me kiss you, so I could take away the bottles of alcohol you were hoarding. But other then that"

        My eyes widened "YOU WHAT!"

        He smirked 'Hey you seemed to like it! And put the goddamned alcohol away!"

        I ignored him and popped open the whiskey "No, sit and drink with me"

        He sighed "Fine"

        He sat down next to me. I got up, and looked in the mini bar. sure enough there was a couple bottles of vodka. When I turned around Cody was standing in front of me "Did you really like it when I kissed you? And did you mean it when you said I was cute?"

        I shyly looked up at him while he stared down at me. I was pretty tall, but he had a couple inches on me "Yes, and yes"

        He smiled "Interesting"

        I looked at him, and blushed "How old are you Cody?"

        He smirked "19, why?"

        I smiled "18, and just cause"

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