Her Inner Turmoil

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"...And so Tracey, I got higher in the Pokémon League than Gary, because I'm awesome at what I do!" Ash proclaimed proudly, following recent events - from stopping, and capturing a Snorlax from digesting a whole series of islands of their grapefruits; saving a town from rumors over a giant Bulbasaur, bringing back power to a town with the help of wild Magnemite, and his defeat of Trovita Islands gym leader, Rudy in a three on three match up, with Squirtle having learned Hydro Pump in the process.  All such events to say the least, had gotten to Ash's head, and was now feeling very high and mighty about himself.  Tracey was in awe of it all. 

"Wow, so even though Gary is Professor Oak's grandson, he has yet to surpass you in battle?"

"Not yet," Ash smirked.  "But when I win the Orange league, I'll really show him just what it means to be a Pokémon Master!"

But while the two boys were chatting up ahead as they walked along to find a Pokémon Centre, their third companion, Misty, was lagging behind, grumbling to herself, she had a reason for this though. 

"Stupid, dense, idiotic Ash..." she muttered underneath her breath.  "Rudy was so nice and gentlemanly, and yet... I feel, nothing for him.  But I do... For him," she thought, glancing up in Ash's direction, where he was busy boasting to the more naïve Tracey.  His airy confidence and smirking grin glancing around was enough to make her eyes avert their gaze from him, blushing all the while.

If anyone had ever paid any attention to Misty's demeanor, one would know she's hotheaded, stubborn, and has got a nasty temper to boot.  But underneath her hard exterior of boiling heat is a much softer core, a kind of kindness that can be attributed to her femininity, this side showed a much more caring, kinder, and amiable Misty; but because of her past with her sisters, and Ash's original stupidity at the start of his journey, she became moodier and more bad tempered, and thus shielded her true nature indefinitely.

"I mean sure, he's dumb all that, like all boys are..." she thought, thinking back to Brock on that last one.  "He's as dumb as Psyduck is, can't even pick up the most obvious of hints I throw at him... But he's so caring, kind, and stands up and takes care of his friends when they really need it... I... Really admire that, but he's reckless but always pulls it off somehow, must be dumb luck.  But somehow all things is what makes him so cute and handsome looking..." as Misty played this out in her head, her cheeks flushed red, and when she picked up on her heat, she became utterly embarrassed.  

"Uuu-uuuugggh...!" she screamed inwardly.   "What's a girl suppose to do?!  The target of my attraction is but a dense idiot, how can I ever break that shield of his, and get him to understand?!"

"Hey, Misty!" a male's voice called, breaking through Misty's thoughts.  It was just Tracey, he and Ash were now facing her, with quizzical but also worried looks on their faces.  "Are you okay?  You seem out of it," the teenager continued.

"Uh... Err, yeah!  I'm fine," she faked, giving a fake laugh to try to convince them otherwise.  "Just uh... Thinking about things, that's all.  Isn't that right Togepi?"

"Pri pri, Togepri!" the egg Pokémon chirped obliviously, he was just happy to be out in the sun and safe in Misty's arms, unaware of what his trainer actually meant.

But even with Misty's 'reassurance,' Ash's eyes couldn't help but narrow down after her response.  He approached his female companion cautiously.  "Huh... You're still not thinking about what Rudy said to you, are you?" he asked darkly, truth be told, Ash had no idea why, but what the gym leader had mentioned to Misty bothered him very much.

Misty couldn't help but feel a little bit cheeky given Ash's sudden jealousy.  "What's it to you?" she smirked, turning to the side.  "So what does it matter what he said?  I am my own person; I can do whatever I want, when I want.  Why do you care Ash?"

Ash was very upfront, "Because, you're my friend, and I happen to care about what you do!  A lot."

This caught the ginger haired girl slightly off guard with his tone, while it had been brash, there was an undertone to it that made it sound like he meant more than just a friend... She decided to test it.

"Oh, and why is that, Ketchum, what do you mean by 'caring'?" 

"I mean, you are one of my dearest friends after all, Misty," Ash said, not sure himself where she was going with what she was saying.  All that did was tick her off!

"Just a... 'friend'?!" she angrily thought, "oh you would...Though you did use the word dearest but still!"

"Gah!" she cried out loud, "of course, typical of you isn't it?!  Just a friend huh?!"  She suddenly snapped, and in her fury of Ash's density she ran off in the direction of the Pokémon centre.

"Wait, Misty!" Ash yelled, confused and surprised.  "Jeez, wonder what's gotten into her lately, huh Tracey?"

"Huh, wish I knew..." Tracey responded.  This definitely wasn't normal behavior from Misty by any means.  But in his mind, Tracey began to theorize exactly what might've been on the water-trainer's mind...


Later that afternoon the trio finally made it to a Pokémon center.  Misty was busy entertaining Togepi, whilst Ash had gone off to the vending machines.  As a Pokémon Watcher, Tracey had taken interest in some of the other trainers' Pokémon around the center, he had been doing this long enough however to see a rather interesting sight...

He was just applying some final shading details to a sketch of a trainer's Ivysaur when he noticed Ash finally got back from the vending machines.  He placed some snack packs down, Tracey noticed that some of them were some of his own favorite snacks to eat, he figured that Ash had gotten them all their favorite stuff seeing he had been gone for more than five minutes.

It was then something curious happened, Ash picked up a bag and soda can, the type of drink and chips she liked.  The raven-haired trainer then proceeded to poke Misty to get her attention.  "Hey, Misty?" Ash said, poking her shoulder.  "I uh... I got your favorites from the vending machine for you."

Misty perked at this.  "Aw, thanks Ash," she said, taking the goods.  "But... Why?  I wasn't particularly asking you for these, plus they are pretty expensive."

"Well, I..." Ash began, bashfully. "I figured these would cheer you up after you got upset earlier."

Misty couldn't help but smile at that.  "Thanks, you're a good friend," she said.

"No problem!" Ash exclaimed, his shyness now replaced once again with his usual boisterous attitude, before patting Misty on the back, and then went to go give his Pokémon some attention.  What he didn't see however was Misty's now big blush, the idea that he touched her made her all red.

Ash hadn't seen that, but Tracey did.  "Weird," he thought.  "Ash got... Shy, when Misty smiled and thanked him.  That's not like him, not him at all.  And Misty... She got awfully embarrassed when he touched her with a simple pat.  It's like an infatuation..." Tracey suddenly gasped, now it all made sense!  Her earlier frustration, combined with what he just witnessed told the teal shirted teen everything going on with those two.

"Huh," he said quietly to himself.  "Things between those two can't keep going on like this, there has to be some way to break the ice.  But, where to start...?"

To Be Continued...

Hey guys! Your author here, no, I am still not cancelling the Ash Harem story, but whilst doing that fic I thought it'd be nice to do some more 'standard' Pokemon shipping fics, and this here is one of them. I reckon it'll get to four, maybe five chapters long. Thanks for reading!

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