Pokémon and Human Watcher

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With Tracey's realization having now been confirmed, he was left in a real pickle for sure. On one hand, he really wanted to confront Misty about her troubles, on the other, he had seen how hot headed Misty was, and feared two things – one, she would punch him for saying anything; two, he'd attempt to get her to open up, but it would go downhill quicker than Snorlax falling down to sleep after he eats...

He had been left with this issue all afternoon, and that night at the center's cafeteria, he seemed awfully tense.

"What's wrong with you Tracey? Not hungry?" Ash asked, noticing the undisturbed grub on the teen's tray.

"Uh? O-oh!" he jumped. "I-it's nothing Ash! Just err... Little slow that's all," he prattled lamely. Ash, being who he was, took the bait, shrugged, and returned to his fork, while Misty seemed... Irritated.

"Well if it's nothing, then I'm off to do some training," Ash spoke, gulping down the last drops of soda in his glass. "My compliment's to Nurse Joy's cooking. Now let's go, Pikachu! We've got to get ready for the next Orange Crew member!" And he ran off happily for the training fields.

"That Ash!" Misty fumed aloud, as Ash ran through the aisles for the door. "Always scarfs his food down, and never lets it settle... He's like his own Snorlax I swear... Well whatever, what's up with you Tracey? You sure something's not wrong?" Tracey's sweat dropped, now it was just him and Misty.

"It's you really with the problems," he thought to himself nervously. He gulped, took a swig of his soda, and breathed, readying himself. He proceeded to look Misty straight in the eyes, with a serious look on his face.



"We need to talk – Now."

Misty was quite startled by Tracey's sudden boldness, just a second ago he looked a shivering wreck, now all of a sudden he had a fire in his eyes. "Much like the flashes of fire in Ash's eyes..." Misty thought. "A-alright, b-but what do you need to discuss so urgently?"

"You and Ash," Tracey said. "Oh man I hope this works, otherwise it's a pillar reef for me..." Such a thought was now terrifying him, his face read confident, but his inner mind shaking with perpetuating fear.

Misty frowned, confused. "Huh...? What do you mean Tracey? What about me and Ash...? There's nothing really, I'm only following him because he ruined my bike."

But Tracey's boldness continued, he saw all too well through her facade. "C'mon Misty, be honest about your feelings. I err..." his sudden rush of confidence now diminished this he knew was going to be tough matter to push on. "...Noticed... You and him sort of..."

Misty's frown deepened. "We... What?"

"Kinda... Seem to... Like each other...?"

"Tch!" Misty spat. "Ash, loving me?! Ha, don't make me laugh Tracey, Ash is so dense, he never notices anything..."

Tracey frowned at that, he had seen Misty and Ash's blushing moment that afternoon. There was no way...

"But Misty, Ash does like you that way! You'd just have to look harder to see it."

Misty growled at that and. "Nice try Trace, but I've tried looking for hints from him for nearly a year ever since I met him! But he doesn't see anything! I have tried, tried SO hard to be patient with him, but no-...!" she ranted, looking angrily up.

"But he does Misty!" Tracey quickly cut in. Misty's quivering rage stopped, her eyes widened, she turned slowly to look at Tracey.

"...He does?" she asked inquisitively. The notion for her seemed pretty unbelievable.

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