Chapter 13

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Bell's P.O.V

It was a very, very silent car ride back to my place. It didn't feel right. It didn't feel like my place anymore. Mitchs' house was my house.

"Bell? Do you really need to go? Can't you talk to her on the phone? Or text her? Or send her a letter for God sakes, but don't go!" I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "It really isn't my choice Mitch. I need to see my best friends too! Yes, you are a huge part of my life now, but I can't leave my friends behind!"

"You've done it before! You were having tons of fun with us, with me, and then when Kat or Nat or Jack snap their fingers, you turn into a slave!" My mouth dropped open in disbelief.

"Maybe I wouldn't be a slave if I had a life now! I had a perfectly fine one before you!"

He is already in my driveway before we finish the argument. I get out of the car before he can make one more rude comment. I am choking on tears and can't even say goodbye without cracking.

I stalk to the door and turn around. Mitch is staring at me with with his brown eyes, with specks of sympathy and regret. I stare back, cold and hard (That's what she said :])

I just turn back around and try to twist the door knob, but it's locked. I pound on the door, and hear stomping behind it. The lock twists and clicks, and the door is swung open, revealing an excited Kat and a curious Nat, with a bored looking Jack at the kitchen door.

"BELL! HOLY CRAP I MISSED YOU!" Kat pounces at me, and squeezes me so hard, my ears pop. "I missed you too. Now get off me." She smiles into my hair and peels off me. "Hi Bell!" Nat beams, pulling me into a hug. "It's been a long time!"

I pull back with a look of mocked surprise. "It has? I had no idea!" She laughs and I look at Jack. "Don't I get a hug from you too?"

He smirks and walks towards me. "Hi Bean." "Hi Jacko." I hear awe's an ooh's from behind me. I smile into Jack's chest.

"Okay Bell, off my man. You have your own, remember?" I frown, but weakly smile when I realize I don't feel like talking about that right now. "Yeah, your right, I do. Speaking of that, what the hell happened?"

Jack and Kat looked at each other, blushing. "No idea" they said in unison. I laughed. "That was cute! You guys think a lot alike!"

They both glared, which made me gush more. "AHHH! YOU GUYS NEED TO DO THAT MORE OFTEN!!"

"Fuck you" Kat spit, but pulled me to her room. "What about you and Mitch?" Kat questioned me as she shut the door.

"Uhhh... well... that I don't know about." She frowned and sat on her bed. "Whattya mean?" Tears start to punch at my eyes again. "We had an argument in the car, and he said some things and I said some things... like he said I am a slave to you guys... just like I was with my mother. He didn't say my mom, but I am referring to it."

"What?! Let me at 'em! I'll teach him a lesson or two!" Oh, there she is when I need her. "No Kat, it's fine, if he wants to talk, he'll talk, but until then, can I just be alone?" She nods and hugs me. "Everything is gonna be alright Bell, don't you worry."

I weakly laugh. "Yeah, it will." She stands up and walks to my door. She looks at me one more time before she leaves me to drown in my sadness. Yeah, I know that was dramatic and all, but it does feel like that.

I lie back on my bed and pull out my phone. '1 new voicemail'. Probably Jerome or Adora... speaking of, I might need to play Love Doctor and get them together... I get distracted easily, okay?

I click on the voicemail and put it on speaker. And, of course, I didn't look at the number.

'Bell, I know you won't answer, and I don't blame you at all, I just need to say something. We have only been together for a day and I am unspeakably in love with you, but I am a jerk and ruin it by freaking out and not giving other people room to live. Which brings me to my next subject. Your right. I did turn you into a robot and I did control you for the time I knew you. And I was wrong. Your friends are your friends and they deserve to see you just as much as me, maybe even more. Everyone is pissed at me now because of what I did, and I am even more pissed at myself. I just want to see you again. Please? I really didn't mean it, truthfully. I... I love you Bell. Please just call me back. I already miss you.'

By this time, the tears were flowing down my face, and I was smiling. He loves me. Yeah, you are all like, 'You guys just freaking met, and you are his girlfriend! What the actual fuck!?', but do you really wanna go there?

I place my phone on my bed, now contemplating if I should call him back. One side says go for it, the other is like he hurt you, he doesn't deserve to worry about you. I'll call him in a few minutes. But first, let me look at my other texts.

'15 new texts.' Holy damn, people can't leave me alone. I scroll through my messages. There was 6 from Adora, 4 from Jerome, 4 from Preston... and one from Jason? I tap that one and read it.

'Hi... u probably dont wanna hear from me, but you r going 2. i just wanna get a couple things straight. 1, i dont hate u, i am just not good with ppl and 2, i wanna say srry 4 the way i treated u... u dont deserve that. so yeah... txt me back when u can -Jason :)

Oh my God, I gotta get him a dictionary! His grammar is atrocious! But it was sweet. I should probably reply...

'Hello! Thanks for texting me that you don't completely hate me! It's a relief to know I don't have any enemies, as of now. I forgive you as well. And one thing I wanna add, is you need to get a dictionary, or improve your grammar, because it is bad! Anyways, I'll see you later -Bell xx

Now for Jerome and Adora and Preston and such...

~Half an Hour Later~

The texts are done! Hallelujah! Now for the moment I've been dreading. Calling Mitch back. Dammit. I tap the phone and the contacts and tap 'Mitch <3'. Depending on how this goes, I may need to change that... or delete it.

I put it on speaker and listen to it ring... and ring... and ring. Well, this is awkward. Then I hear his sleepy, raspy voice, making a shiver run down my spine.

"Hello?" I gulped down the nervousness and spoke. "Hi Mitch, it's me."

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