What Can I Say, I Like You.| Aaron Judge

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It was Erika's off day, which just so happened to be Aaron's as well. She was walking around Central Park with her German Shepard, Ace, when suddenly he took off. "Dammit Ace! Where are you?" Erika searched everywhere, but her puppy was nowhere to be seen.
Aaron just so happened to spot the dog and bent down to pet him as Ace jumped up and licks his cheek. "Hey buddy! What are you doing out here all alone?" Aaron laughed, playing with the mysterious puppy.
"Ace! Oh my gosh, you found him. Thank you so much." Erika reattached his collar, not realizing she was talking to THE Aaron Judge. "Anytime beautiful. Not a problem." He smiled down at her (he is 6'7 after all). Aaron's eyes widened, "oh my god! You're Erika! I'm like in love with you. You've been my celebrity crush for about two years now! Oh my god, I can't believe I'm talking to you. She laughed, "well thank you Aaron. I'm a big fan of you as well. Hey, you wanna come to my show tomorrow night? I'm playing at Madison Square Garden." He nodded with a big grin on his face. "I would love that." She smiled, "awesome, well thank you for finding my puppy. Do you maybe wanna spend the rest of day together? If you're not too busy that is."
"I'd love to, Erika. So do you live nearby?"
She nodded, "I guess you could say that. My hotel is near by."
The two continued to walk until they reached her hotel room, she grabbed the key card out of her pocket with Aaron checking her out the whole time.
"What's up, Judge?" Erika laughed and gave him a small twirl.
Aaron bit his lip, "sorry. You're just so beautiful , I couldn't help but look."
She blushed, opening the door. "Well thank you Aaron. Make yourself comfortable." She shut the door and sat on the small sofa in the corner.
"So tell me about yourself, Aaron?"
"Well my name is Aaron James Judge as you know. I'm 25 years old. I'm adopted, from California.. uhh.." he laughed, "not sure what else to say."
She laughed along with him, "pretty interesting."
He shrugged with a smile. "I'd say tell me about yourself, but I'm such a big fan I feel like I know everything. Not in a weird way!" His words jumbled together.
She giggled at his fanboy like ways. "You're really cute when you do that you know?"
He blushed, "when I do what?"
"When you talk about me." Erika giggled some more.
"Well what can I say, Erika, I like you!"

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