Not My Girl | AJ Ramos

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(There is cussing in this, so if that bothers you please don't read!)

Ellie was shopping with her best friends, when all of a sudden she couldn't find them anymore."What the hell.. where could they have gone?" She shrugged and kept looking at clothes. Until some random guy who had to be at least 50, grabbed her ass. "Cmon baby, don't you wanna go home with me?" The man grazed her thigh, alcohol reeking off of him. "Ew what the actual fuck? Get away from me you pervert!" But he held her so tight she couldn't move, which ended up with him on top of her in a clothing rack. Until AJ came into the picture, pushing the old pervert off of her. "Hey get the fuck off her! How dare you even think about touching a woman like that?! Didn't your mother teach you to have any fucking respect you asshole?!" He pushed the guy away and helped Ellie up, "you okay hun? Do you need anything?"
Ellie was speechless, no one had ever stood up for her like that before. Especially someone so attractive. "Y-yeah I'm okay, thank you for your help I really appreciate it."
He smiled softly, "anytime dear." AJ looked around, not spotting anyone nearby, "are you here alone?" Just then Ellie's friends ran up, shouting.
"Ellie oh my gosh we're so sorry!"
"We saw what happened! Are you okay?! I'm so sorry we left you, but we just saw Christian Yelich so ya know.. had to go meet the future hubby."
Ellie rolled her eyes, "so you leave me here all alone? Did you not just see what happened."
Her friend shrugged, "can't be too bad, you have AJ Ramos helping you out."
Ellie noticed who it was and her eyes widened, "oh shit.." she mumbled under her breath.
AJ let out a small chuckle, "don't mention it girls. And Ellie." He turned towards her, "make sure to call me sometime, yeah?" AJ winked, handing her a piece of paper with his number written on it.
"I'll be sure to call you, AJ." She blushed and AJ leaned in for a hug.
"See you around." He winked again and walked off to find his boys.
Giancarlo high-fived him, "good shit man! She's beautiful! And she has friends with her so that's a plus for us!" He motioned to Christian next to him.
AJ smiled, looking at Ellie, " no one messes with my girl. Well my future girl."

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