Baby Mama Drama | Aaron Judge

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*If you guys have seen the Baby Mama challenge on Instagram, here's an imagine inspired by it. If you haven't seen it, watch the video and enjoy. I thought it would capture Aaron's silliness quite well*

(Y/N) was irritable 24/7, which made Aaron laugh at her most of the time

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(Y/N) was irritable 24/7, which made Aaron laugh at her most of the time. Then resulting in a pissed off (Y/N), it was a cycle that could not be broken. This night was a funny one for Aaron, his wife was up, groaning to herself and muttering how "why do I have to be in pain for him." "He's the one who didn't wear a condom." Aaron couldn't help but laugh, "how is that even true, baby? We decided that we were ready to start a family, grumpy ass." He poked her belly softly with his index finger, resulting in their unborn children to kick. (Y/N) groaned even louder, "I already can't sleep, now you got these two kicking me."

"Aren't you just lovely?" He rubbed her stomach, resulting in the babies to kick harder. "Aaron James Judge, leave those two alone please." He pouted with puppy dog eyes, "I just wanted to talk to my son and daughter, (Y/N)." She looked at Aaron, almost falling for his poured lips."not again Judge." (Y/N) rolled over trying to get some more sleep, though daylight was peering through the window. Aaron got up, throwing a shirt on as he closed the curtains then giving his wife a sweet kiss on the forehead, "sleep well angel." She smiled humming to him in response not being able to stay mad at him. He grinned, walking downstairs into the living room.

Aaron took a seat on the couch, scrolling through Instagram and watching viral videos for what seemed like hours. Until he watched one that really caught his eye, The Baby Mama Challenge. A lightbulb went off in his head, "we could totally do this." He thought to himself, shutting off his phone. Aaron tiptoed upstairs, walking into his and (Y/N)'s shared bedroom. (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open after hearing his loud footsteps.
"Good morning, my beautiful wife!" He opened the windows, which caused (Y/N) to rub her eyes.
"Morning, handsome" she sat up and looked at Aaron, (Y/N) noticed he had an idea. She could read him better than he could read himself after being together for as long as they had been. "What's on your mind, Judge?"

Aaron tossed his phone to her, (Y/N) unlocked it watching the video that was shown to her. She groaned again, "Aaron, don't you think this is kinda lame? We're so much cooler than that." (Y/N) laughed, "I guess we can do it though. If it'd make you happy." He nodded with excitement, "I just know the fans will love it. And I wanna show my beautiful little family off." (Y/N) stood up, retying the string of her sweatpants and throwing her hair into a messy bun. "You're lucky you're cute babe."

"I'm very cute." He laughed wrapping his hands around (Y/N)'s waist from behind, placing a kiss on her exposed shoulder. It sent shivers down her spine every time and Aaron did it just for that reason. "Aaron.. stop." She giggled, turning around to meet his gaze. He smirked and placed a sweet kiss onto her lips, picking (Y/N) up in his arms Aaron ran down to the kitchen.

"I still don't know why we're doing this." (Y/N) sat down, rubbing her swollen belly as Aaron set up the speakers. He looked at her with gentle eyes, "please for me?" She nodded getting up as the music started.

The couple danced to the beat, laughing at their stupidity. (Y/N) twerked causing Aaron to laugh at his wife, "man she's crazy, gotta love her." He thought to himself as he danced behind her. Once they were finished, Aaron paused the phone recording them. "See aren't you glad we did that?" Aaron said to her with a grin.
"Yeah, it was fun actually." (Y/N) giggled as Aaron replayed the video.

"Post it babe!" Aaron did as told, seconds later comments and likes were pouring in. He wrapped his arms around her as they read through them
"And you were mad at me yesterday, now you can't get enough." He smirked shaking his head. "You're my baby daddy for a reason." She laughed, kissing his forehead.
"What would I do without your crazy ass?"

(I love this imagine, I'm lowkey proud lol)

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