Chapter 14

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"Yeah, Liam, it was amazing," I say looking at Liam through the computer screen while recalling the events that happened today. I played my first live show at a radio station. There were about 30 people and each of them knew every word to This Town. It was an amazing feeling and sight. 

"I bet it was, mate. This has been your dream forever," he responds giving me his warm smile that meets his eyes so I know it's genuine. 

I smile back and continue off of what he said, "Yea, to just see a couple people singing to my song. There were like 30 people there. It was amazing. How is everything there going?" I ask wanting to change to subject to my home and best friend. 

"Everything's good. The pub isn't the same without you Singin' in it every so often. Left me kinda lonely" Liam says his smile carrying through to show that he's joking and not upset about me taking off to America.

"I miss playin' there. Being in the studio isn't the same as playing for people, even if they don't care that you're there." I reminisce, missing the feeling of home. "Do you have any plans for the day?" I question, remembering that it's 9 am there, even though it's the middle of the night here. 

"Not really, I have the day off. Probably going to run to the shops, restock the kitchen. What about you? Any early morning studio sessions I should let you get some sleep for?"

"Not really, I'm not getting picked up to go until noon, half day off they like to call it," I answer thinking about how I will probably be into the studio until the late evening tomorrow night.

"We-" Liam starts to say when he's interrupted with what sounds like a knock coming from my side of the laptop. 

"One second, Liam" 

"Maybe you shouldn't, isn't it like 2 am there? Who knows who it could be" my mate says as he's starting to look alarmed and a little frantic at me. 

"It's probably nothing, I'll look through the peep hole before I answer if that will make you feel any better" I respond to my worried looking friend while heading over to the door from the couch and wondering what has him so worked up. 

Quietly I reach the door that enters my room and look through the little glass hole seeing a familiar face. 

"Jerry, what are you doing here?" I question while opening the door to the person who was assigned to be my driver while I'm here but has grown to be a good friend.

"I'm sorry, Niall you should be sleeping. I didn't know where else to go" the man sulks while walking to the couch where we've watched countless movies during my time here. 

"One second. Hey, Liam, I have to go. It's Jerry. I'll text you later, bye" I hang up on him, his tone and look before I opened the door not forgotten.

"What's up Jer?" I question, concern growing, sitting next to the newly familiar face. 

"I was at the bar with my friends and Kenzie was there all over this other guy." Kenzie was his long term girlfriend of almost four years. They've moved in with each other and he has thought of proposing to her. "I'm sorry, I should go. This isn't very professional of me. You need to get some sleep." He continues standing up from the couch, but I can't let him leave like this. 

"Jer, you're fine. I wasn't sleeping and we're friends," I comfort him, sitting him back on the couch to see if he's going to talk anymore. After a few seconds of silence, I quietly get up and walk towards the kitchen to get both of us a glass of water.

I hand it to him and in response get a small thanks. Which is unusual for him, he's usually loud and talkative. "Did you talk to her?" I break the silence. 

"She was all over that guy. What's there to talk about? She told me she had to study for her class tonight."

"I bet there's some explanation," I say hoping that it's not what it looks like. "We should go to bed, ok? You can stay here if you really don't want to go home," I continue looking at him with concern not knowing if I would let him go even if he wanted to. He's a wreck at the moment.

"Thank you, Niall. I'll just take the couch. I don't think I can go back there tonight," he responds getting up and going to the closet where the spare blankets and pillows are kept, provided by the hotel.

"Ok, I'll just be in my room, don't hesitate to come get me if you need something," I say walking towards my room, giving one last glance to the man currently getting ready to sleep on my couch.


821 Words

kinda longer? Hopefully, you all liked it. Some shit went down.

I wrote this while watching/listening to Jacob Whitesides on Instagram live. Great time.

Anyways, I've been so busy the past week, that's why it's been a hot minute since I updated last. My brother was in town, I went to Summerfest a few times and I'm working on getting everything ready for the student from Japan that is coming to live with my family in August for 10 months. 

I hope everyone enjoyed!


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