The Plane Wreck

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       On a Bombing run B-20 fighter plane pilot Private Andrew was in a squad getting demolished by artillery and anti aircraft guns. Andrew watched from his cockpit as his friend from high school took an artillery shell to the belly of his B-20. As Andrew saw his friend eject from his plane only to be later shot off his plastic seat and fell from 550 ft in the air all the way down to rocky bottom of the cavern.  At that exact moment he felt something hit his plane and the cockpit filled with smoke and the only thing he saw was just plain smoke and some blinking red button. After that he just felt the nose dive of his B-20. He managed to get a glimpse of the terrain it demolished by tanks and artillery and multiple ground infantry lying there motionless in the mud. Then the cold hard thought hit him across the face. He thought "I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna be able to see my kids again. The nose made impact he was flown from the impact into a small ditch formed from tank shells and artillery shells. Andrew sat up for a quick second and saw his plane in a burning heap of nothing just a bunch of parts are warped together to make burning fireball in the mud. After he saw everything around him he hit the ground spit blood from his mouth,and blacked out.

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