When you meet them

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Garroth: You met this Blond Cutie while taking a long stroll by the ocean. The ocean always seemed to call to you. You walked along the sand to clear your mind. Garroth was taking Zane down to the beach to watch the sunset. You were standing at the edge of the sea watching the sun go down when you caught Garroth's attention. Your H/L, H/C hair blowing in the ocean breeze. Your bright E/C eyes seemed to have a sparkle. Garroth found you...beautiful. He approached you starting confidently but ended up approaching you hella shy. "E-excuse me.." He started, You looked over at him and smiled. "Hi...Can I help you with something?" You asked. Garroth just blushed before Zane came up behind him. "He thinks you're pretty" Zane stated calmly. Garroth's blush just intensified. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I'm glad you think so....but you can just tell me..I don't bite ya know...why don't we all head for some ice cream?" you suggested. Garroth nodded with blush on his face. "By the way, My name is Y/N" you said. Garroth smiled. "My name is Garroth and the emo kid is my baby brother Zane" Garroth said. You smiled and by the end of the night, Garroth walked away with you phone number and a smile on his face.

Laurance: You met this Blue eyed beauty while hanging out with a friend in the park. The park seemed to calm down your nerves and just helped you relax. Your friend had to leave early because her boyfriend got into an accident. You stayed at the park and let your mind wander. You kind of wondered what it would be like to have a boyfriend. You got lost in your thoughts. That is until a smooth voice broke your trance. "Excuse me..miss?' You shook your head to get rid of whatever you were thinking about before looking up to see a tanned guy with brown hair and beautiful, bright blue eyes.  You blushed at the sigh of him. "h-hi" You said quickly. Laurance smiled. "Hi.....you were um....staring at me and I.....wanted to make sure you were ok" you blushed. "s-sorry" you said looking down. Laurance sat down on the bench next to you. "Hey don't worry about it. You know......" Laurance started before leaning down and whispered into your ear, "Your cute when you blush. I'm Laurance by the way" You felt the heat rising to your cheeks. "I'm...y-y/n" you said. You heard someone in the distance call Laurance over "Gotta go. See ya Y/n" He said as he handed you a slip of paper. You looked down to see his number and a smiley face

Zane: You met this sweet little emo, while at a MLP fan event with your friend. You weren't that much into the fandom but your friend was. Your friend made you cosplay as Pinkie Cake while she cosplayed as Rarity. You were walking around when a certain little nugget noticed you. You looked absolutely adorable to him. I mean this is Zane we're talking about here. How could he not think that you're adorable? You were dressed as his favourite  pony after all. He came to the event with Aphmau who noticed Zane's gaze and waled up to you and your friend, motioning for Zane to follow. He silently looked at the ground while Aphmau started talking to you. "Hi! My name is aphmau and this is my friend Zane....He has something he wants to tell you" Aph said before pushing Zane into you. "S-sorry about her..." he said glaring at Aphmau. "I wanted to tell you...I think you're cute" he said while looking at the ground and scratching the back of his neck. "Awww thanks...why don't you and..Aphmau hang with us?" you asked. Zane looked over at Aphmau who nodded furiously. "Sure" he said. You all had a great time at the event and, Zane got a kiss on the cheek and your phone number.

Dante: You met this blue haired Casanova while actually going to get your mail. Dante was waiting at the mailbox. Travis had told him that there was a cute girl that lived in the neighborhood. He saw you coming down the path towards the mail box and posed for you. As you came to a stop at the mailbox, you noticed him. "Hey babe.. has anyone ever told you that-" You rolled your eyes. "Let my stop you right there.....I'm not Into a guy who's only interested in  me  for looks" you said confidently. Dante stared at you dumbfounded. Before smirking. "Well...maybe we should get to know each other better then?" he asked. You shrugged. "I work at the convince store down the road from 12:00 pm til 2:00 pm. You can swing by there after my shifts over if you really care about getting to know me" You said. Dante's face lit up with excitement. "Really?! I didn't think you would actually give me a chance!! I-I mean... Sure that's sounds great..." Dante said. "By the way.....I don't believe I caught your name" he continued. "My name is Y/N... and you name is?" Dante smiled. Not smirked. Smiled. "My name is Dante"

Travis: You were working a shift at the local maid cafe. You didn't actually have a job there...you were just filling in for a friend. But this little Albino Pervert had heard things about said cafe and was coming to check it out. Travis walked in through the front door and was seated in YOUR section. As soon as you caught a gimps of him...you started to blush. I mean you have to admit....even though Travis may be a pervert, he is pretty attractive. You slowly made your way out to his table to collect his drink order. "H-Hello and welcome to the Sweet Treats Maid Cafe...Can I start you off with a drink of some sort?" You asked. Travis smirked. "Why yes...I would say, I am rather.....thirsty" He said in a rather smooth, Sexy tone. You blushed. Oh what a sight it was for Travis. He has seeing a beautiful girl, in a maids outfit, BLUSHING at what he said. Oh the day could not get better for Travis....Well I mean it could if ya know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Travis then contined. "I'll just have some water, babe, if you please." You blushed a little more at his comment before nodding and rushing to the kitchen to fetch his water.  You came back from the kitchen with his water in hand when some idiot stuck his foot out and tripped  you. The water spilled all over you and the guy laughed. Travis noticed this and ran to help you up. "Are you ok miss......" You nodded and smiled. "Y/n. My name is Y/N." You said. Travis smiled. "Nice to meet ya Y/N! My name is Travis" Travis said. After a moment, Travis got up and proceeded to scold the guy who tripped you.

Aaron: You were walking you're dog at the park when you met this secretive werewolf. Your dog was enjoying itself when all of a sudden your dog just bolted away. The leash slipped out of your hand and you ended up losing sight of your dog. Little did you know, a certain someone had found your dog and was about to call the number on the tag when he heard you calling your dogs name. "D/N!?" You called. Aaron looked down at the tag and saw that the dogs name was D/N. He looked up and saw you across the park, frantically looking for your dog. He started to walk towards you with your dog in hand. When he finally reached you, he noticed how beautiful you looked. H/L H/C blowing in the light breeze. But your E/C eyes had that glint of worry. "Excuse me miss....Is this your dog?" Aaron asked. Oh the relief you were feeling. "Oh my Irene...Thank you so much!" you cried as Aaron handed you back your dog. "It's no problem"  Aaron said, scratching the back of his neck. 'I'm Aaron by the way" Aaron said. You smiled. "I'm Y/N. Can get you something from one of the food stands up the road for helping me out?" You asked. Aaron laughed. "Sure"

I have done finished the first set of scenarios!!!!! I'm so excited to be writing these. I hope Ya'll enjoyed my Mystreet Boyfriend Scenarios so far. I'm planing on writing a scenario every few days and the same with my story on my other account, 


Feel free to message me any time about these scenarios 

-Lonely Artist

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