Asking him/you out

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Garroth: We all know that Garroth can be quite shy. He intended to do something romantic to ask you out. He really did....but as we all know Garroth can over think things as well. Garroth ended up running into you in town.You had been been encouraged to ask Garroth out by one of your friends thought this would be a good time to causally as him out. Unfortunately, Garroth had the same idea. You actually ended up saying "Will you go out with me?" At the exact same time. You two just got into a fit of laughter after that and freaked out the civilians around you. 

Laurance: Laurance is a helpless romantic. But we all knew that. He sent you a text to wake you up. The text told you to come to your door. You sleepily rolled out of bed and walked downstairs to open your door to see Laurance standing there holding two cups of coffee. He smiled and held out one of the cups. Once you took it you noticed that there was writing on it. "Will you go out with me" You looked up to see him smiling. You laughed and accepted.

Zane: You and Zane were hanging out with Aphmau and Aaron at Aphmau's house, watching pony shows when Aphmau got an idea. "Y/N...truth or dare" you raised your eyebrows and chose dare because you aren't a chicken. "Ask the person you like out, through text message" You shrugged and pulled out your phone opening the messaging app. Zane was silent. He didn't think you liked him. But sure enough, he got a notification on his phone from you. it read, " you want to go out with me?"  Zane blushed and nodded.

Dante: Dante is a pretty straightforward guy. He literally just walked up to you while wearing a shirt this said "Will you go out with me?" and wiggled his eyebrows. Just straight to the point You rolled your eyes and said yes

Travis:  He told you to meet him at the local park. When you arrived at the park, You say him sitting on a bench. He didn't notice you so you decided to sneak up behind him, cover his eyes and say "Guess who?" Travis smirked and replied with "Girl of my dreams?" You laughed. You sat down beside him and asked him what was going on. "Does one really need a reason to see someone as beautiful as you?" You rolled your eyes. "No seriously Travis, what's up?" Travis then just calmly asked, "Wanna go out with me?" You giggled and said yes.

Aaron: Dude.....He obsessed over trying to asking you out. In the end his older sister, Melissa, had to black mail him to get him to ask you out. He called you in front of Melissa so she could be sure it was happening. He put you on speaker phone, and you guys talked for a bit. That is until Melissa just blurted out "Aaron wants to date you" Aaron shot her a death glare before asking, "So you want to go out with me?" you said yes to him. You  guys talked for a few more minutes until you had to go. Once you had hung up, Aaron went to go strangle Melissa.

There we go. Wow that took a long time for me to write. I have a cold and....this weekend is when Canada celebrates thanksgiving so...Turkey!!!!!!!!!!! I know that america celebrates thanksgiving later on but just bare with me. Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Canadians and Happy early Thanksgiving America and Happy thanksgiving to everyone else. I do plan on writing a thanksgiving special chapter tomorrow so..Ye. You may question me but hey.....this is when Canada celebrates thanksgiving.  

Everybody stay wild!!!!! ^^

-Lonely Artist

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