When he texts you to hangout

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Garroth: You were lying around at home, just about to start a horror movie when your phone went off. You jumped at the notification sound but you checked your phone. 

Garroth: Hey Y/N! I'm free today and was wondering f you'd like to hangout or something?

You thought for a moment on what you could do when an idea came to your mind.

You: Sure! I was just about to watch a movie at my place. Would you like to come over and watch it with me?

Garroth: Sure what movie?

you:..A nightmare on Elm street.

Garroth thought about how this would play out. You'd get scared and jump right into his arms. Yes perfect.

Garroth: Alright I'll be there soon. Wait.....what's your address?

You sent him your address and made some popcorn. Soon Garroth came over and you guys sat down and started the movie. Remember how Garroth thought that you'd get scared and jump into his arms? Well the exact opposite happened. In the end though, you two had a good time

Laurance:  You were lying around your house, bored as hell, when you got a notification on your phone. 

Laurance: Hey it's Laurance from the park the other day. I was wondering if you'd like to hangout today?

You were relived that you FINALLY had something to do.

You: Sure!!.....what do you wanna do?

Laurance: Well.......do you wanna come over? I can order take out and.. we have a karaoke machine.

You: OH MY GOD YAS!!!! what's your address?

Laurance gave you his address and you were over at his house in seconds.  You and him both sang the karaoke songs really loud and purposely bad to make each other laugh. Soon you went with Laurance to pick up the take out. As you were waiting in the line to get he food, several people asked if you were dating and Laurance kept responding with, "Maybe someday" 

Zane: You were actually the one to text this little nugget because, as we all know, Zane is kind of shy. 

You: Hey Zane! There is a new season of My little horsies out on Netflix and I was wondering if you'd like to come over and watch it with me?

Zane:......Um...sure. I'll be over soon. Can you text me your address please? 

You: Sure thing!

You sent him your address and Zane was over shortly after. You sat him down in front of the tv and started to binge watch. When you were done with that season, you guys restarted the series while making friendship bracelets for each other. You invited him to stay for dinner and you guys ended up ordering a pizza. After that, you two whipped up a batch of cupcakes. In the end, you both fell asleep on each other while watching My Little Horsies and wearing the friendship bracelets you made for each other. How cute.

Dante:   Dante had a plan. He had been working o the nerve to ask you all day. Here goes nothing

Dante: Hey Y/N! How's your day going? I was just wondering if you'd like to come over and help me with something?

You: My day's going great thanks for asking.. and sure!! what is you need help with?

Dante: You'll see when you get here. 

Soon you got Dante's address and you realized that you two were practically neighbors. As soon as you knocked on Dante's door, you were quickly pulled in by the blue haired heartbreaker.  He then explained that he was going to play a prank on some of his roommates. You were in right away. You loved messing with people. It was a good way of expressing your hidden humor AND to get that small rush of adrenaline. You and Dante placed cups of water everywhere. Like there wasn't a section of the house that didn't have a cup You and Dante hid in a bush outside and waited for Dante's roommates to come home. When they arrived and entered the house, they were greeted by the many, many, MANY cups of water. They couldn't even move around in the house. They ran outside and yelled for Dante. They just knew it was him. You and Dante laughed at this in your little bush. Unfortunately, one of Dante's roommates spotted you two. You and Dante ran as fast as you could from his roommates. You ended up hiding in a tree whilst laughing at his roommates' attempt to find you guys. (Two lovebirds in a tree am I right? XD)

Travis:  You were actually really surprised when Travis had texted you. You heard on the streets that we was a bit of a player and a HUGE pervert. You figured that he would forget about you and move on to the next girl. SO when he texted you and asked if you wanted to hangout with  him, you were just.....shocked.

Travis: Heeeeey Y/n

Y/n: Oh.. hey.. Travis right?

Travis: Yes indeed that would be me. Anyway....I was about to head out out the mall with my good friend, Dante and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to  meet us there?

Y/n: .........?!

Travis: Pretty please with sugar on top?

Y/n: fine. I'll be there in half an hour.

Travis: Thnx X3

After you finished getting yourself ready, you started to drive to the mall. This is where you met up with Travis and Dante. All three of you did some shopping and decided to head to the arcade for some good old fun. Travis and Dante just watched in amazement as you completely schooled them at skee ball. You heard Dante whisper to Travis when you guys went to the food court for dinner. "She's defiantly a keeper. You better hold on to her." Travis blushed and smirked. "Oh trust me.....I will"

Aaron: Aaron texted you like....the day after you guys met. He just couldn't keep you off of his mind. 

Aaron: Hey

Y/n: Oh hey! Didn't expect you to text me right away.

Aaron: Yeah well....I was going to make something nice for dinner and I was thinking that maybe you could come over? 

Y/n: Sure! What's your address? 

Aaron: 64 Mystreet

Y/n:.....Holy crap you're like right down the street from me

Aaron: Well then...I'll see you in a few minutes?

Y/n: Defiantly ;)

You dressed nicely and headed out. When you got to Aaron's house, you were greeted by a heavenly smell.......He was making homemade Italian pizza. You begged him to let you help. Eventually he gave in and you helped him make the pizza's. When they were finished, you two sat down on his couch and watched something while eating the pizza you made. (No better way into the heart like pizza XD)

OK....So I'm sorry I didn't update in awhile...I've been busy with a few things. If you didn't actually know....I live on a small farm so there's always something that needs to get done. Between horses, dogs, chickens, bunnies and now barn cats, I don't get a lot of free time. That's the beauty of farm work....it's never actually done...So yeah. I hope you enjoyed the second set of scenarios and I'm..again.. sorry for the late update. 

Don't forget to check out my other account,


for my original story, The Dead Zone

Everybody stay wild

-Lonely Artsit

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