Chapter 13

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🎶 Sam Smith - I'm not the only one 🎶

You and me, we made a vow
For better or for worse
I can't believe you let me down
But the proof is in the way it hurts

For months on end I've had my doubts
Denying every tears
I wish this would be over now
But I know that I still need you here

C/o : You say I'm crazy
          But you don't think I know what you've done
          But when you call me baby
          I know I'm not the only one

You've been so unavailable
Now sadly I know why
Your heart is unobtainable
Even though Lord knows
You kept mine

Repeat c/o

I have love you for many years
Maybe I am just not enough
You've made me realize my deepest fear
By lying and tearing us up

Baru aku tahu sebab kenapa Desmond berbuat sebegini. Ternyata aku salah dalam menilai dirinya. Semestinya luka di hati Desmond sgt dalam sehinggakan dia sanggup buat begini. Aku sendiri tidak dapat membayangkan bagaimana rasanya jikalau aku yg berada dlm keadaannya. Mungkin aku sendiri akan menjadi gila. Perlahan-lahan aku membalas pelukan Desmond sambil mengusap belakang badannya. Lelaki mana yg tidak terluka hatinya apabila pulang dari tempat kerja, mahukan belaian kasih sayang dari seorang isteri, tiba2 di perlakukan sebegitu? Desmond meleraikan pelukannya sambil mengangkat wajahku. Dia memandang tepat ke mataku. Aku lihat ada kesuraman, kesedihan, kesepian di dalam matanya. Aku tahu dia sungguh terseksa dengan semua nie.

"Desmond, I'm sorry because before this I used to judge you wrongly. I didn't know about it before. Sy betul2 minta maaf. Ko dengan Brenda apa cerita sekarang? Ko ada pigi lawat dia juga? And anak ko, ko x pigi lawat dia? "

Aku menyoal Desmond sambil menyeka sisa air mata di pipi. Desmond hanya memandang aku sambil terdiam.

"Aku jarang sudah balik pigi rumah aku sejak kejadian tu. Aku macam susah mahu terima kenyataan. Aku susah mahu memaafkan dia dan menerima dengan terbuka perbuatan dia. Hati aku masih sakit. Aku jujur rindukan anak aku, aku mahu peluk cium anak aku. Tapi, kalau aku terpaksa berhadapan dengan dia, aku tidak sanggup."

Desmond berkata kepadaku sambil mengatur langkah menuju ke luar balkoni. Aku turut mengikut Desmond ke balkoni.

"Debby, aku juga mahu minta maaf kalau2 selama nie aku sudah kasi sakit hati ko. Aku juga mahu cakap, kalau 1 hari nnti ko mahu kasi tinggal aku sudah, ko tidak mahu jadi perempuan simpanan aku sudah, ko boleh pergi tapi dengan syarat, ko mesti mahu cari 1 lelaki yg boleh menerima ko seadanya, yg mahu menjaga ko seumur hidup ko, yg tidak mempersoalkan masa lalu ko. Jangan cari lelaki yg hanya mahukan keseronokan sama ko sj."

Aku bertambah terharu dengan kata2 Desmond. Tanpa sedar, aku terus memeluk Desmond dan memberikan Desmond pelukan dan ciuman. Both of us were kissing at the outside of balcony until both of us feels want to make love. Desmond then carefully lift me up and bring me to our bed room then he slowly put me down at the bed.

🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞 sx scene will be in English

Desmond slowly pull me closer to his body and now he were on top of me. Then, he slowly kissing me passionately. I can feel his lips sucking my upper lips and his tongue were inside my mouth. He then lift up my singlet until my boobs were shown up and then he squeeze it. He also kiss my neck and my shoulder then he moved to my ni****, bite and suck it smoothly. I just can't stand for it anymore. I moved my hand to his dcik, touch it and rub it. I know he likes it. He then slowly moved to my V's, kissing it and then he put his finger inside it, push and pull it more times. After he done that, it's my turn to make him "turn on". I slowly do the BJ's. Just like an ice cream, I lick and suck it passionately. He nearly cum inside my mouth. He then cannot stand for it already, he lift me up and then he spread my legs. He slowly put his dcik inside my V's then he start to working out with his moves.

"I must say that you are very good at the bed. Ahh, more harder, Dess. Make me cum. Ah! I'm seriously enjoying your moves."

I said it to Desmond while my hands were pulling off his hair. I can feel he moves so rough. I just don't want the s*x scene ended there, so I roughly makes him lay down at the bed, I make myself on top of him, moving my body like I'm riding a horse. We keep doing that until we feel so tired and fell asleep .


Kami berdua terjaga apabila malam sudah pun tiba. Jam menunjukkan pukul 7.30pm. Penangan "aksi di ranjang" tadi membuatkan kami kelelahan sehingga tertidur. Aku yg merasa lapar yg teramat, lantas mencapai singlet aku yg berada di lantai lalu memakainya dan terus menuju ke dapur mahu mencari makanan. Kelibat Desmond tidak kelihatan. Aku tercari-cari ke manakah Desmond pergi.

🎶 Bebe Rexha - I Got You 🎶

Deringan lagu dari hand phoneku mengejutkan aku. Dengan pantas aku menjawab panggilan itu. Ada nombor yg tidak aku ketahui telah menelefon aku.

On call conversation :- 📞

Me : Hello? Siapa nie?

Unknown caller : Haii Debby,  it's me, Ed. Sorry for disturbing you at this time.

Me : Oh haii Ed. Mimpi apa ko call sy nie?

Unknown caller : Ko tgh buat apa nie? Ko senang kaini?

Me : Sy? Tiada buat apa2. Baru mahu cari makanan mahu masak. Why?

Unknown caller : I am wondering if you want to have a dinner with me now at SCR.

Me : Ermm, let me just thinking about that. I will chat you later if I wanna go.

Unknown caller : Okay then, I will just wait for your chat then. Okay, bye Debby.

Me : Bye Ed.

End phone conversation.

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