Chapter 5- Seamus freaks out + Cliffhanger

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A/n: Remember James POV? I lied. I also like cliffhangers. Enjoy.

  After having accepted the fact that he had a crush on the loudest, most vulgar, yet stunningly attractive man in their office of hooligans, who also happened to be his best friend for four years, Seamus was abnormally stable, having gotten past the denial stage with relative ease. What was even more commendable was that he wasn’t at all anxious about the fact that he was attracted to a male. Looks like he was going to ride it out and wait for the feelings to die down, ensuring minimal contact between him and James. That was completely necessary, especially since every time he saw James, he’d get all nervous and jumpy, changing subjects and behaving like a sexually active, stereotypical Japanese schoolgirl.

  Of course, avoiding James was extremely difficult when you saw each other literally every day. James was always there, around every corner, walking across the hallway whenever he was, in the toilet cubicle Seamus intended to use. Though those moments lasted less than a minute, and Seamus was thankful for that.

  Until of course, he felt James’ hands on his ass one Thursday night.

  The creatures were, before this incident, having a meeting regarding upcoming conventions, and at that moment, while Aleks and James were in a heated discussion of their own, much to Seamus’ disapproval. (He wasn’t going to admit that it was jealousy, as that would be quite self-degrading. He didn’t get jealous over such… things…) And at that very moment, everything went dark, and their words were drowned out by groans and vulgar protests from James and Sly.

  “Looks like a power outage,” Came Jordan’s disembodied voice, along with the rolling of office chairs.

  “Yeah, no shit, Hordan!” James shouted back, slamming the palms of his hands onto the table, and Danz and Sly could be heard bickering about rolling into each other in the background.

  “Well, let’s continue the meeting then, since we only need to be able to hear each other,” Jordan replied, and Seamus imagined him shrugging his shoulders in the dark. A few groans were heard, and Seamus himself groaned as well. All of them were getting quite bored of this discussion, and the power outage had seemed like the perfect reason for them to end it early.

  “What? Come on, let’s have fun!” Sly protested. “It’s not like every day you get to run around in the dark for no reason, right?”

  “Yeah, let’s just run around in the hallway and suffer from severe concussions from running into walls afterwards,” Seamus remarked sarcastically, earning himself a laugh from James, which he gave himself a pat on the back for. There was nothing better than making someone laugh. Especially James. Oh wait, no, he wasn’t happy, since he was supposed to be avoiding this guy.

  “Precisely. Aleks, let’s go!” Sly jumped up from his seat, Aleks sighing and following behind as the two began to stumble towards the door.

  “Well, I guess this meeting is uh… over then,” Jordan announced, and cheers erupted from the remaining three at the table, as they too, stumbled into the hallway. Seamus could hear Sly and Aleks laughing and presumably jumping on and throwing the bears all over the place, while the others seemed to be playing a very poor game of ‘guess who’. Well, it mainly consisted of them touching each other and asking who it was. So for Seamus, his decisions were currently to get hit in the face with a bear or get molested in the dark. Sadly, he didn’t get a choice, as the moment that thought came to mind, he felt two hands firmly plant themselves on either one of his butt cheeks. He jumped a little in fright, before finally acknowledging the fact that someone was groping his ass- Which brings us to where we are now.

  “Oh, I’m touching someone’s butt right now! Hordan, is that you?” Oh fantastic. Of all the people it could be. It just had to be James touching (and groping) his butt right now.

  “James. Your hands are on my ass,” Seamus retorted in the most bland voice he could muster up. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be happy that his crush was touching his butt or protective of his own welfare. It was weird getting sexually harassed by your best-friend-turned-love-interest.

  “Oh really?” James asked, but continued to grope, much to Seamus’ discomfort. He hoped this wasn’t giving him a boner right now, as that would be hard to explain once the light came back on. ‘Hey, how did you get that boner?’ ‘Oh, my best friend groped my ass earlier.’ That wasn’t exactly the best of situations to be in. He also noticed how he was beginning to mentally refer to James as his best friend again, and that would have to be corrected too.

  Sighing, he stepped forward, having realized that James wasn’t going to let go of his ass anytime soon. However, this action alone resulted in a chain of events that would inevitably end in his humiliation. The moment his foot touched the ground, a bear flew in his direction and struck him in his face, and he turned a little too late to shield himself from it, and he lost his footing after stepping on James’ shoe. For some reason, he extended his arms forward to break his fall, only to find his palms digging into James chest, and with James hands still on his butt, that resulted in them being locked in what seemed like a lover’s embrace. James’ back hit the ground hard, and the impact resulted in Seamus’ face landing into the crook of his neck.

  Also, the lights chose the perfect moment to come back on. The moment they did, everyone in the office had their attention towards the two. In case you didn’t get their position, it looked like this- Seamus on top, with James’ hands on his butt, and Seamus’ arms on James’ chest, their faces inches apart and them staring awkwardly at each other while locked in their intimate position.

  “That is so cute!” Sly shrieked excitedly in his best fan girl voice, while Jordan and Danz laughed at the two. Seamus quickly stepped away from James, dusting his jeans and hoodie with his hands as he crossed his arms as fast as he could, avoiding eye contact with his brief lover.

  “What the fuck man, were you guys having sex in the dark or something?” Aleks grinned amusedly while sitting amidst a bunch of bears.

  “Shut the fuck up, Aleks,” James retaliated. “Seamu-!”

  By then, Seamus had already ran out of the office and was headed home. His hands were shaking on the steering wheel as his breath quickened. That incident had affected him. A lot. He could feel that part of him that was helplessly pining over James growing and taking over his entire conscience. What the fuck, a crush wasn’t supposed to feel like this. This was… love. He didn’t want to get over it, he wanted to be with James, have sexy time with James, even marry him if he could. He was so screwed at this point. He made a turn a little too late, earning some angry horns as he drove as fast as he could without being pulled over.

  Calm down, he told himself, as his heart raced. It was just a small thing. He was going to get through this. He was going to get over it, if it was the last thing he did.

  And at that moment, he heard the horns of a truck as it collided with the side of his car, as everything went black, and the concerned cries of its driver were drowned out by a ringing in his ears.

A/n: I like ending chapters with people passing out thx.

Also, thank you to oathkeeps for that beautiful message on Tumblr, which hence inspired me to get this chapter out faster. 

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