Chapter 10 - Seamus has a close encounter (PS TARGET)

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  After stopping by Jordan’s place to drop off Meowgi, who unfortunately, could not stay with Seamus at James’ place for the remainder of his recovery, (an estimated one month) the drive to his temporary residence was thankfully fast. It was probably one of the weirder situations he’d found himself in. They would find a topic for some mild, simple chatter before lapsing back into silence after a few minutes, an uncomfortable vibe passing through the vehicle as all that could be heard was James’ fingers drumming against the steering wheel and Seamus clearing his throat.

  Maybe he should have thought this through- why did he decide to stay with the guy he was hopelessly crushing on? Couldn’t he just have said like Dan or Sly and had a much more comfortable time than this? The gloomy atmosphere of the hospital must have had a pretty bad impact on his thinking capabilities, to the point whereby all he was concerned about was getting James’ affections. The thought of James making a sudden confession came to mind, and his heart fluttered, drumming against his chest much to his discomfort. Glancing quickly at James, he sighed. He was getting all hot and bothered for such a stupid reason, and in James’ car of all places.

  James, on the other hand, had sensed the awkward, tense atmosphere as well and was trying his best to come up with something amusing to say, like he always did in the office. Nothing came to mind however, as he glanced outside to avoid occasional eye contact with the man in his passenger seat. Why wouldn’t his brain cooperate with him? All he needed was something simple to say. “How’s the new walking dead episode?” That sounded very forced and not at all smooth. “Fucking hell Seamus, you should be more careful when you drive.” He didn’t want to lecture Seamus either. Why did he even care what Seamus thought about what he said in the first place? That would be something to think about for the rest of the drive. Normally he didn’t give a shit about what others thought of his vulgar mannerisms, but what was up with him?

  “So uh… When are we reaching your place?” Seamus began, voice breaking a little and he bit back a curse after hearing how stupid he sounded. He was a twenty-plus year old man for fuck sake, not a sixteen year old boy who just hit puberty and was exploring his sexual orientation.

  “Oh maybe in another… five to ten minutes I guess?” James said a little too quickly and somewhat high-pitched as well, him too beginning to hate himself for turning this into such an awkward situation.

  “I’m going to take a quick nap then,” Seamus sank back into the seat, relaxing his arm a little as he let out a sigh of relief- this was a good way to escape the situation.


  “It’s just me living here for now, so you don’t have to bother about whatever-it-is-you-might-be-worrying-about,” Seamus wheelchair came to a halt as James tugged his suitcase of clothes and other valuables from Seamus’ house through the front door, slamming it behind him. It was quite a nice place after a quick inspection, lots of natural sunlight, big open space, definitely a nice change from the apartment.

  “And… Ein?” Seamus asked. In case you were wondering, James had explained to Seamus that Ein had a thing against cats and it wouldn’t exactly be safe to have Meowgi living with them. The best option would be to leave her with Jordan, who was probably running a secret illegal cat breeding service in that sanctuary of his, meaning he’d probably find Meowgi pregnant after his recovery.

  “Well then… I’m going to go ahead and take a shower,” Seamus started, only realizing his mistake a good ten seconds later after hearing no reply from James. Both men were stunned by that one sentence, and Seamus blushed. Was James going to have to… bathe him? A shiver ran up his spine at the thought. No, he was most certainly not getting excited about having a grown man and his colleague bathe him.

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