Chapter 7- Seamus looks outside

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  Seamus stirred, squinting a little as a harsh ray of light shone into his eyes, blinding him momentarily, but he turned his head to the side to avoid it. His head was throbbing, and everything seemed to be in a blur. There was a window to his left, providing some natural light. A strong blast of cold air from the air conditioner hit him, and he shivered. This thin piece of clothing he was wearing wasn’t exactly keeping him warm. So… Where was he, to begin with? He didn’t have windows that huge, and he didn’t own such cheap clothes, crossing out the possibility that he was lying in his room. He’d have to find out himself then. Groaning, he used one arm to lift himself off the bed, only to be interrupted by an odd beeping noise and the shouts of a woman.

  “No, don’t!” She exclaimed, and he turned his head in her direction as his vision began to clear. She was middle-aged, somewhat tanned, her hair tied up in a bun and wore a blue-green dress that stopped just a little above her knees. She looked like… a nurse?

  She gingerly placed a hand on his right arm as though it was fragile, like some newborn child or something. He looked down at her hand, and his eyes widened in fright. His arm was wrapped in a cast, lying limply by his side. He glanced at his leg, which was too, in a cast, left to hang from the top of his bedframe.

  “Wh-What happened?” He asked, unable to hide the panic in his voice. It’s not like he’d never broken a bone before… It’s just that he’d never broken both an arm and a leg at the same time.

  “Do you remember anything, Mr O’Doherty?” She asked him. He eyed her name tag. Rachel, it said. “Your name, your family, anything?”

  “Obvious-fucking-ly I know what my name is, tell me what happened,” He retorted bluntly, regretting his outburst a moment later when the nurse flinched after hearing his swear. “Uh… Sorry about that I suppose…”

  “I understand… You got into an accident while driving yesterday night… The driver brought you here, Denver Health Medical Centre.” She kept her cool, somewhat commendable after having someone shout at her.

  “Oh right. The truck,” Seamus bit his lip, flinching a little as he remembered that sharp pain on the right side of his body, and the taste of blood in his mouth.

  “So how bad is it?”

  “Sorry, what?”

  “My injuries, I mean,” Seamus corrected himself. Technically, he could see it was quite bad, especially for someone with his career. Making shorts required both his legs to be in perfect condition, so he could be as immature as possible, and playing video games, a large part of his life, and also his career, he should mention, required two hands.

  “The collision shattered the windows on the passenger side, causing some cuts on the right side of your face. We stitched those up, so they should heal in hopefully a few weeks. As for your arm and leg, your arm has a moderate fracture, so it should heal in one to two months. Your leg has about the same injury, albeit slightly worse than your arm, so it should take a little longer. I’d say three months?” She ended with some doubt in her voice, which wasn’t exactly reassuring to Seamus. But hey, he wasn’t dead, right?

  Come to think of it, did the others know he was here? Shit, they were probably wondering where he was by now. It was already like… late afternoon, more or less. And… James? He wasn’t supposed to be thinking about his man-crush now. He was supposed to be worrying about more important things like recovering and James. Come to think of it, shouldn’t he be more angry with James? I mean, he was the one that had gotten him in this mess to begin with. Had he not gone through the butt touch, he’d probably be alright, no fractured arm, no fractured leg, no stitches on one side of his face.

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