Chapter 12 - Seamus Hates his Attitude (Really late)

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A/n: Okay wow it's been what like 3 months? IDK but anyway I am so sorry about the late update. It started as procrastination, but then exams happened so it became both procrastination and exam hiatus so I'm still in the middle of exams right now but luckily I found some time to post this. Once again, I am really sorry about all this. 

  Seamus woke with the sensation of being kissed still lingering on his lips, the slightest trace of red on his cheeks. What had happened the previous day? They’d played some Mario kart with a stupid idea James had come up with and- oh. That’s right, he’d made out with James. His long time best friend turned crush and now… Was it safe to say they were in a relationship? That thought alone got his heart pounding, as he once again recalled the events that had occurred last night. They hadn’t done anything inappropriate of course… Well there was a bit of groping, and he distinctly remembered seeing James with his shirt off at one point. There was also that one part when James had started nibbling on the crook of his neck, and he shot up from bed. Raising his left hand to where he remembered James doing that stuff with, he could feel a little bit of a lump. Oh no.

  There weren’t any mirrors in the room to clarify his assumptions, so he reached out to the next best thing- his phone. A quick inspection of his neck via the selfie cam was enough- James had indeed given him a mark of love. (Or lust, most likely) He had to go to the office today, even better, and the others would dern sure be wondering where he got that from, seeing as to how he was single. To add on, he was temporarily disabled. He couldn’t possibly have crawled over to the nearest bar and hit on girls (or guys, in his case) in his condition, so the only possible person who could’ve done it would be James, of course. He wasn’t going to let those guys see him in this vulnerable state, and he briefly considered dressing a little heavier than usual- Bearing the heat for a while would certainly be better than getting humiliated by the others, after all.

  As per the schedule settled, Seamus found a new change of clothes put down on the end table next to him, and the wheelchair parked right next to the bed, easy enough for him to pull himself onto. I wasn’t another ‘Nova is my favourite creature’ shirt, much to his relief, especially considering their relationship status. Wait a minute, who mentioned anything about being in a relationship? A bunch of kissing didn’t mean they were officially dating. Seamus, however, had to admit that the thought of being nothing more than make out buddies was a little depressing. Back to the topic of his change of clothes, and FYI, the shirt was a Fallout 3 shirt instead. There were his comfy shorts for being a lazy ass, and he got those on with ease.

  Getting on the chair was as simple as it usually was, and he was slowly beginning to feel a little less pain and uselessness in his arm and leg, while the cuts all over his cheek had almost all been healed up.  He froze when he heard the sounds of James walking down the corridor, heart skipping a beat when they passed his door. He didn’t exactly feel comfortable around James right now, I mean why would he be? He’d just got engaged in a steamy make out session last night, then god knows what happened after. There was neither a swelling in his ass nor the feeling of being “recently pleasured”, so that eliminated any possibility of them having done the do.

  And then he froze, as a sudden, jarring thought came to mind. Could it be…? What if James was going to distance himself from him, traumatized from the events that had occurred the last night? Maybe he was a bad kisser, and his lack of talent had put James off. Millions of similar thoughts began popping up one by one, which wasn’t exactly very helpful. If anything, it was making him experience some signs of depression and anxiety.

  “Seamus, I made breakfast!” The door was slammed open, and Seamus had to grip onto his handles to prevent himself from falling off, the shock of James’ sudden entrance having made him lose his balance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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