Just the Prologue

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Unknown P.O.V

"May 5th, 2198 was the date that ended modern society as we knew it. That was the day that World War Three both started and ended. Any nation in the world that had nuclear weapons, launched them.

'This was the end of the accessible age. The age of clones, holograms, and travel drones was all destroyed. There were only a handful of humans left. They fought their way through radioactive environments eventually meeting and creating our current society.

'Obviously, language was an issue. So Dr. Zulfizar Abdullayev from Uzbekistan was given the task of creating a new language that this new generation can speak. She created a language based on all the main languages of the world. She brought us to the resolution of Lingorbis, the language you all know.

'The name is derived from the Latin words world language. This is a combination of all
the common languages of the accessible world. Thanks to the twenty five that then learned the language and decided to repopulate our world we now live in this incredibly complex even more advanced society. Even now, eight centuries later, this is the society we live in."

The last holographic image of the current society's fades away. The teacher turns on the lights and goes back to teaching while the students go back to pretending to listen.

"They have no idea what's about to hit them," I say to no one in particular. Then I notice two kids in the back of the classroom. One is a male with tanned skin, sandy blonde hair, and light blue eyes. The other is a female with super pale skin dark red hair and green eyes.

"It can't be!" I gasp, "It's exactly as the prophecy told it to be! But I can't be scared yet! There should be six more." I continue to study the classroom before I notice something, the female is listening to music (I assume because of the earbud in her ear), taking notes, and carrying on a conversation with the male. "I must get back and report this to His Mightyness!" Then, with a swish of my black cape, I'm back home.

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