+Babysitter IV

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Summary: While Tae is stuck at work you decided to hangout with your friends.

Pairings: Kim Taehyung (V)/ Reader

Genre: Angst / Smutish

Words: 3k

A/N: This one is a little sad :(, but I promise that part 5 will be fun :)


You woke up with the sun glazing on your face. You felt Taehyung nuzzle more into your neck tickling you. You knew he was still sleeping by the way his soft snores filled up the quiet room.

You smiled just thinking about waking up with him. With no worry about Dara bursting through the door or your parents. You can actually act like a couple, no secrets. You loved this feeling.

He slightly moved from you turning around to face him. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. You gently kissed his nose and snuggled deeper into his neck while wrapping his arms around you.

You intertwined your legs with his. "Tae." You whispered.

No movement. He must be in a deeper sleep then you thought.

"Taehyung." You attempted again, but no movement. You slowly slid your hand down his chest until you reached the waist line of his boxer briefs. You honestly couldn't help yourself. You and Taehyung finally admitted that you loved each other, he was all yours, and you just wanted to make him feel good.

You slipped your hand underneath his boxers as you touched him up lower. He groaned but he didn't open his eyes. You quickly made your way underneath the blanket so you were right in front of him.

You quietly pulled down his boxers exposing his limb member. You grabbed him and brought him to your mouth. It didn't take him long to stiffen up. You heard him moan through each pump until he finally opened his eyes full alert.

"What are you-" He tried to say as he noticed that you were sucking him off and that it wasn't a dream. He started to enjoy the pleasure you were giving him as he tilted his head back moaning uncontrollably. You smirked from the process. It was adorable watching him squirm.

You licked the cherry red tip, he wasn't going to last much longer. Just as you brought your mouth back down you heard a quick two knocks and the door opening.

Taehyung pushed himself up so he was leaning on his elbows looking towards the door.

"Hey I'm going to pick up Jimin, do you need anything while I'm out." You heard Yoongi's voice.

"No thanks." Taehyung tried to get his breathing together.

"You alright?" Yoongi asked suspicious.

"Yeah." Tae nervously smiled.

"Are you masturbating again?" Yoongi looked at him disgusted.

Taehyung blushed, but before he could answer Yoongi closed the door with a simple 'ew'.

You pulled the blanket down looking at Taehyung. "Masturbate?" You smirked.

He stuttered. "U-um- oh shut up, everyone does it." He defended.

You laughed and put your mouth down his length. You bobbed your head quickly to build up his release once again from the previous mood kill. You loved the way he moaned your name, it made you feel wet yourself.

As you tasted his release you smiled from the way he collapse against his bed. He was trying to steady his breathing as you crawled back up closer to him.

His eyes were closed again when you were back in his arms. Just then a ringing broke the steady sound of silence. He turned towards his phone and groaned. "Sorry." You shook your head saying you understood. He sat up and answered the phone as he got dressed into sweats.

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