Chapter Seven

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I woke as sunlight hit my eyelids, demanding attention. My exhaustion had vanished, remedied by a good night sleep.

I sat up in the bed, rubbing my face as I yawned. I swung my legs from under the blanket but as they hit the uneven wooden floor, a sharp pain throbbed from my soles up to my ankles. I sighed and pulled myself up from the bed, pushing through the ache I moved slowly to the door of my room then to the door of Sage's and Cedars and knocked.

A few seconds later the door swung inward slowly and a sleepy looking Sage was revealed, his original face had returned, his green almond shaped eyes, sharp cheek bones and jaw, coffee brown hair and slightly thinner nose all had replaced the unique face he had put on the night before. I was strangely satisfied with his actual face, him turning into a stranger had been mildly unsettling.

"Mornin'" He yawned, covering his mouth then ran a hand through his hair, moving it out of his eyes.

"I just woke up, I was wondering what's happening now."

"Food then we leave, I guess." He yawned again then moved back into his room, "Here, go get some food, i'll join you in a bit." He appeared again and handed me a few coins.

Cedar lay tangled in a pile of him, his pillow and his blanket. His face was the perfect picture of peace in that moment.

I thanked him and walked back the way I remembered to the bar area. There was a low hum of chatter as I entered the room, a few people sat around tables, hunched over. One woman who looked in her early twenties stood behind the bar, leaning on her hand, her eyes fluttered shut every few seconds before she blinked furiously, trying to stay awake.

I went up to her and ordered some food, handing over the worn silver coins. I sat in a corner booth near the bar, a few men sat at the table behind me, talking in hushed voices.

Naturally, I listened in as best I could to their conversation while I waited.

"Flora hasn't seen Bean in a week now. Said she saw some shifty lads hanging around Bean's training ground the time she last saw 'im. She's convinced they're responsible for him vanishin' all o' a sudden, but she hasn't seen 'em since so she can't prove they were 'ere." A gruff voice said in a defeated tone.

"Bet the kids just done a runner. Flora ain't the most relaxed of parents, he's probably just hiding at that other kids house, what's his name? Ash? Them two are always up to no good." A second one dismissed.

"Nah, I think this is serious. Bean was showing signs of Healer magic. You know old Iris up in Green Gem? She was down here two weeks ago, searching for her young'un. Her daughter Lavender started showing signs of Spirit stuff and vanished a few days later. Makes four now, Bean from here, Lavender, Aspen and Basil from Green Gem. Three Spirits and a Healer."

"Bet it's just the parents hiding em from the guards. No one wants their kids being taken to be trained, never to be seen again. Parents have hid Healers and Spirits a good number of times before."

"Aye maybe. Could also be someone collectin' em if Flora was right about those shifty lads. Maybe the King's started rounding the rare ones up more discreetly."

The conversation quickly turned to a topic of recent fishing successes which lost my interest. I hadn't heard of Spirits or Healers yet and would definitely ask Sage about it later. I was curious as to what other kinds of magic existed and what they could do.

The names of the four children stuck in my mind, plaguing my thoughts.

Cedar then appeared, followed closely by the same face from yesterday, Sage's illusion. He went to the bar and asked for some food before joining us at the table.

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