Chapter 12

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It didn't take long for the two to get back to their camp, but when they did arrive the sun had begun to set. Suicune had been laying outside, it's blue body now covered in a single pink scar that traced over it's shoulders. It's head perked up when it saw Ash.

"Hey guys, come out!" Serena called into the tents as Suicune began to nuzzel into Ash. People had begun to stare at Ash, murmuring to themselves. It made Ash want to shrink down.

"Ash!" Came Misty's voice, and the boy didn't even get to turn by the time he was tightly gripped in a hug. The force made him stumble back a bit, before chuckling and hugging her back.

"Hello," he laughed as the red head let go, her eyes bright. When she moved back, everybody else had came out of their tents and we're smiling at Ash, however a new but familiar face caught his attention.

"Brock?!" Ash smiled at his old friend. The tall man smiled and held out a fist. Ash bumped it, a smile beaming on his face.

"I haven't seen ya in ages Ash," Brock said, a smile appearing on his features as well. A Ninetails sat behind him, it's ears perked. Ash stared at it.

"Is that...?" He asked. Brock nodded.

"Yeah, Vulpix evolved. He looks amazing, don't you think?" Brock smiled as the cream fix came over and head-butted Brock in affection. Pikachu suddenly appeared, hopping up onto Ash's head. He laughed.

"How do you feel Ash?" Came Clemont. Ash shrugged, continuing to scratch under Pikachu's head.

"Tired mostly," he explained. He hadn't been in much pain any of the times, he just would experience vertigo ** and exhaustion. Clemont eyes were suddenly hidden by the light hiding his glasses. Uh oh, Ash knew that look.

"Hah, I knew this was going to happen someday," the group sweat dropped. How did he know? Nobody knew, but they didn't question him.

"I invented these!" He held out two metallic bands, multiple buttons and a meter along the side, " I call it the Auramatic-2000," Bonnie groaned.

"What does it do?" Ash asked, taking the metal bracelets carefully.

"I'm glad you asked. It meters your Aura, and will administrate a shock if it gets too high, however there is an over ride button, which is for emergencies only," Clemont explains, opening and tightening the bands around his wrist. Once both were connected, they powered up, the small meters filling up a fraction.

"This isn't going to be like the Sync band is it?" Ash asked. The little yellow band that Clemont had made him and Greninja to see when they were about to sync had been problematic. It had eventually stopped the evolution at one point.

"No way. It is a new and improved model,"

Ash flexed his wrists. He didn't exactly trust it, but now that he couldn't get them of he'd have to get used to them. The group continued to talk for awhile, until a announcement beep interrupted them.

"Looking for a search and rescue team for searching Luminose. High risks. If interested, please make your way to the information area beside the rations,"

The group all exchanged glances, and all knew what they were thinking at once. They nodded, before taking into a light jog towards the rations.

Ash had never even been near this part of camp. It looked like an old abandoned market of sorts, however people lined up for food everywhere. He could see some of the trainers from the infected battle, scars littered along their frames. People stared as he passed, but Suicune made sure Ash never stopped moving.

They eventually ended up at the information desk. Compared to the food lines, barely anyone was here. And those who were there had already been scarred, either it was on the battlefield or in the fight with the infected. The man at the stall was explaining as much as he could.

"We are not entirely sure what is still in Luminose, or if any people are still there,"

"So your basing all your information on 'we don't know'?!" Came the sharp response. Ash flinched, of course there would be sceptical people.

"Sir, all the information we have is based on our scouts, who cannot enter the city's buildings,"

"This is BS, I'm outta here," and so the grumpy trainer stomped off. Ash growled to himself. People could just be so stuck up it's not healthy. The informant rubbed his temples.

"Hey, um, excuse me?" Misty asked, Ash appearing behind her. The informant looked up and smiled, his eyes tired. Ash felt sorry for the man.

"Yes? Is this about the Search and Rescue?" He asked like a machine. Misty nodded stiffly.

"If your here to accuse us of lying--'

"I'm willing to join the team," Ash burst, leaning down against the table. The man's eyes widened, a smile appearing on his face. He picked up a pen from below the desk and began to scribble down the date.

"I never expected to meet you in person Savior," he stated. Ash felt heat rush to his face.

"You don't need to thank me--"

"Yes, yes I do. You saved my daughter and my son. I cannot thank you enough," he interupted. Ash smiled softly.

"We all want to register," came Misty. The man smiled, and then asked for names. Ash thought hard about what the man had just said.

"He is really thankful y'know," came Suicune's voice. The dog wouldn't speak to Ash much, so it had shocked him to the least. The last time he had spoken was when he had first woken up here.

"I know," Ash responded, folding his arms and thinking. Suicune sat down beside Ash.

"Ash? Who are you talking to?" Asked Serena, who had begun watching the scene. Ash smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Suicune?" He tried. Serena didn't even question him.

"Alright then. I'll see you later, I need to go help the rations line," she said, starting to jog away towards the lines. Ash smiled.

"I know you like her," Suicune whispered.

"S-shut up!"



I'm still half asleep so excuse any stupid mistakes lol

Also 8 chapters left.

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