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I never had a gut feeling when things were about to turn awry. I've heard of people were gifted with that sixth sense. Whether it be a drop in their stomach or a little voice whispering in their head, they had a premonition, an idea, an inkling to warn them when things turn to shit. Unlike those individuals, I remained painfully oblivious to the foreboding atmosphere.

Until it was too late.

Staring at Vera, mouth agape in horror. I remain numb to the whole situation. Numb to the poison she was nursing in her bottle. Numb to the revelation that she was the shaman we were here for. Numb to the reality that Everest was off to his execution thinking he had failed.

Oh Everest.

The one who had knowingly endangered himself to help us. The banished prince who had the worst timing and long winded explanations. The awkward soul who had much to learn over social cues. The man whose heart was as big as his speeches.


Because of the woman standing before me; the person that was supposed to save us. My heart twisted painfully. The aching tug tightening into a spiteful sting.

"You knew," the words were a whisper past my lips. Vera blinked her eyes lazily. Her indifference fueled my anger. I stalked up to her, shouting.

"You knew that we were looking for you! Knew what was on the line, and you- you just-" a deep snarl resounded from the back of my throat. Fists clenched and shaking, I stormed around the cell. Raking my hands through my tousled hair once more. Deep breaths, Xylia. Deep breaths.


The question slipped past Volkan's down turned frown. He seemed just as upset as I was. Chestnut eyes drowned in disappointment, dulling in the cell's lighting. Vera propped herself up on the wall, wincing at each action. She was tilting back her bottle for another chug, but Drea kicked the drink out of her hand, sending the glassware shattering along the walls.

"Umm ow," Vera commented, tenderly rubbing her wrist. Everyone's glare harshened. Noticing the severity of the circumstances she asked.

"Do you think killing the beast is a means to an end?" I scoffed at her response, quickly retorting.

"Is poisoning yourself a means to an end?" She had the audacity to chuckle, commenting touché before expanding.

"You think that when you slaughter whatever the hell is in those woods, that all this," she waved her hand around the cell, "will end." I digested her words slowly, not wanting to notice the specks of truth in her words.She absent mindedly twirled one of her raven locks, golden eyes unfocused.

"But I say-" She was thrown into a harsh coughing fit. Covering her hands with her mouth, she removed the limb only to find it stained with scarlet. "I say that when you finally defeat the beast- and trust me, you will- it will only be the beginning of a very unfortunate end."

I squeezed my eyes shut in disgust. Lips slanting into a snarl, "Then why come here, huh? Why get thrown into a cell, feed us a sob story, only to die and damn us all?!"

Vera was on the ground now. Almond eyes crinkling into a smile, choppy hair splayed around her round face in smoky wisps.

"Because the end is near."

Blinking back my surprise, I allowed her to continue.

"If you look closely enough, you can see the fall of human nature. A beautiful mosaic of mayhem. Soaked with blood and stitched with good intentions, but I could no longer stand by as I saw mankind's undoing before my very own eyes." Melted pools of gold bore into my own. Weary. Wise. And warning.

"The spirit realm is collapsing." She shut her eyes, shuddering out another breath.

" As a result, man and spirit are going to collide in discord, unable to live among one another. The beast that you seek to kill is evidence of that." My blood froze at her remark, a cold presence tickled my mind. I shivered. I could see the life draining out of her. My anger melted into desperation, realizing that her time was fleeting.

"What about the spirit?" I rattled off, wanting to get as much information out of her as possible. "Where can we find the spirit who walks amongst us?" Vera just blinked again.

"Please," I pleaded, "Tell us where we can find them." Nothing. Flaring spurts of heat erupted in my head, bellowing at her, I tried to show her the gravity of the circumstances.

"TELL US WHERE THE SPIRIT IS DAMMIT!" I threw my arms around haphazardly, hoping to convey how detrimental the information she was withholding . "It's one our only options to find the creature. And maybe- maybe to help the spirit realm." My voice fizzled out, sounding just as tired and drained as I was.

My eyes searched for help. Volkan and Drea stood uneasily, their anxious stances mimicking my own. Drea stepped forward, still set on retrieving the information. Eyes blazing and jaw set, she spitefully spat.

" Listen here, Vera." Drea continued her stride, metal leg clanging with each step. "You're gonna die. That's a painfully obvious fact by this point. But that doesn't mean you should damn ALL OF HUMANITY!" She roared, swinging an accusatory finger Vera's way.

"You speak of not being able to stand by, but as our world is LITERALLY ENDING, you withhold the one piece of information that can STOP THIS WHOLE DAMN THING!" Drea panted heavily as she finished her input, raking a hand through her cropped tresses.

Vera smiled. "Waiting is not the same thing as doing nothing." Her mouth barely moved, yet the words were a resounding echo in the hushed room.

"You do not need the spirit who walks among the Earthborn." I tried to turn away, to shout, to scream. To proclaim how mad she was being, but I remained rooted to the floor. Grasping onto every word this dying woman uttered.

"You need the Earthborn who walks among the spirits."

I could see her final gust of air as it left her cracked lips, her parting words a bittersweet whisper in the wind.

Thanks again for reading! If you could please considering voting and commenting, I would truly appreciate it!


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