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Hermione awoke face to face with her usual owl from her flat.
"Oh, Merlin!" She cried out, shocked out of her mind.
"Her-my ninny?" Viktor asked, instantly worried, tightening his arms around her.
"Don't worry, it's just my flat's owl." He nodded and drifted back to sleep, allowing her to leave the bed.

She wandered into the kitchen, the owl following her. Once it had left her mail, it flew off. She wondered how it had known where she was and felt unsettled at where that thought was journeying. She peered down at her mail and saw a brown paper package. She shook her head, knowing what the contents were. She pulled out the Daily Prophet and felt her eyebrows raise in shock. She had expected an image of her and Viktor, or Harry. However, the man who appeared on the front of the paper was someone she had never seen before. He stood in his Azkaban uniform, with his number laced around his neck, his face dirty and his hair messy. The caption read: "A wizard has to make his money." He smirked at Hermione as she read the article. The man in the picture was called Alburt Otroosus. He was a freelance journalist who had snuck into Hermione's home upon the instruction of Molly Weasley. "She told me those letters would be a massive pay out for me, so I thought why not?" Hermione shook her head. Molly was still up to her old games. She wondered why she wanted the man to publish the letters. Surely the love letters would have only fed the public image of Viktor and Hermione, strengthening their relationship?

Hermione searched through her other mail and found a package wrapped in the same brown paper. When she untied the parcel, she found her letters from Viktor, along with an addition from the Daily Prophet.

Dear Miss Granger,

I can not begin to apologise for the trauma this incident has caused you. I have returned Mr Krum's letters to you as a small way of apology. I hope you will not resent us at the Daily Prophet for featuring this story, it was just too good to pass. When the man came to me with the letters, I immediately called the ministry. I also hope that you can understand that we must follow up on Mrs Weasley and Mr Potter's actions. We will keep you out of the news, as far as we can. However, a wizard has to make his money.

Best Wishes,

Barnabus Cuffe.

Hermione sighed looking down at the letter, conflicted. She was pleased that her private letters had not been published, but also Harry and Molly were in the firing range of the newspapers. She huffed looking down at Harry's letter. At the time, the apology had seemed kind and sweet, but reading it back it seemed lacking and lifeless. He will have to deal with his own problems now. She thought to herself. She had saved him last time, but she had done that for Ginny and she knew that the Weasley witch could not have read the letter before he had sent it, knowing that she would have screamed at him for being so pathetic.

She needed time alone before seeing Viktor. Hermione needed to think over what was going to happen and get her mind clear. She stood in the shower and thought of practical issues. Where was she going to live now? Her flat was no longer safe and she wasn't sure she wanted to begin renting a new place in case she was moved for the world cup. Could she stay with Viktor? She wondered if it was too early for such things and her mind responded with an astounding Yes. She loved Viktor and she was pretty sure that her feelings were reciprocated, but they had only been dating for a few weeks and although the love was there and the passion was certainly there, she was weary of moving in with him. Maybe it could be a temporary measure, until the world cup is announced. She was sure that this couldn't cause too much harm.

Viktor had to ask her to move in. After having him in his home and spending the night holding her, he couldn't imagine spending a night without her in his arms. He knew she would probably deny him, being the practical one. But he had to ask, knowing that she had nowhere else to go. He found her wrapped in one of his towels and felt his breath leave him. He had never seen so much of her before and he had to overt his gaze so that he would not indulge himself and his desires. She did not speak to him as she dressed in a mahogany dress with brown loafers. He wondered what was on her mind as he showered and prepared breakfast. He sighed seeing the paper, knowing that seeing the face of the man that broke into her home would have unsettled her.

Hermione sat with Viktor at breakfast and cowered away from the awkward silence. She wished he would say something to break up the tension. However, all that he said was:
"Vould you like to apparate vith me?" In a small voice. She nodded, not keen on apparation but enjoying the thought of being in Viktor's arms again. It took a very short time to apparate to the grounds and Hermione felt she might cry as Viktor turned to walk off, feeling fragile at the moment. Instead of weeping to make him stay, she caught him by the edge of his jersey and pulled him in for a long intimate kiss. She made a mental note to kiss him more often, it was an act they had participated in far too infrequently and she looked to change that. She felt Viktor melt beneath her kiss and smiled against him, glad for finally relieving the tension between them. She let him go after a while, breathing heavily against his chest.

"I vill see you at lunch." He promised, before walking, rather wobbly Hermione noticed, towards the locker room. She chuckled, glad that she could have such an effect on Viktor as she walked into her office. However, her chuckles ceased as she was faced with a certain ginger witch, sat at her desk.

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