Chapter 2

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 "So, what happened after that?" Sawamura demanded as he placed his tray down in front of Miyuki Kazuya. The second year flinched.

"What?" the brunette asked.

"The story, Eijun-kun has been dying to know," Haruichi explained as he and Furuya joined the loud freshman at the table. Soon, the other second and third years who were in the storytelling group also joined the crowd.

"Oh, the story about Ryou-san and Tatsune-chan," Miyuki realized. "Where did we leave off?"

"Onii-san just met Leader's sister and they created a bond over their height," Sawamura reminded.

"R-Right....that..... Okay, so basically....." Miyuki began.

A little after practice ended that day, Tatsune and the other managers were helping the other first years clean up the field. While Tatsune was crouching down and picking up balls, she felt someone bump into her from behind. "S-Sorry," a flustered voice apologized. Tatsune turned to see a familiar dark haired boy behind her.

"It's okay," Tatsune replied. "Um.....Kuramochi...kun?"

"Y-Yeah, that's me," Kuramochi nodded. "How do you....?"

"We're in the same class," Tatsune reminded.

"O-Oh yeah, right! Hahaha! Sorry about that!" Kuramochi laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Do you need help with those?"

"It'd be great if you can carry these for me," Tatsune nodded. Kuramochi smiled at the girl and picked up the box full of baseballs. "Are you okay? Those are quite heavy."

"I'll be fine. Where do you need to take this?" Kuramochi asked. Tatsune pointed to the storage room a few meters away. "Okay, leave it to me!" The girl tagged along with her classmate and together, the two put the bin of baseballs in the storage room. After they got out of the room, they soon ran into a boy with glasses.

"Tch, Miyuki," Kuramochi muttered. "What do you want?"

"Miyuki-kun?" Tatsune glanced at the boy with glasses. She recognizes him from class, as well as the junior league games. He was one of the top catchers in the junior league. "Is something wrong?" she asked Kuramochi.

"The first day of practice, he taunted me, and we were almost mistaken for fighting," Kuramochi muttered.


"That was just you wasn't it?" Miyuki corrected.

"Hah?!" Kuramochi raised a fist.

"A fight?!" someone shouted.

"You guys better break it up," a boy named Shirasu stepped in.

"We're not- WHAT KIND OF DEJA VU IS THIS!?" Kuramochi shouted.

"What's going on here?" a voice cut in. The first years turned to see a pink haired second year standing by them. Although this upperclassman was shorter in stature, with his hands behind his back, he seemed to have a lot of authority. The first years all stopped and faced the second year with respect. Baseball is a sport where seniority matters quite a lot. The first years all show a significant amount of respect for their upperclassmen.

"N-Nothing," Kuramochi replied.

"Hnn?" Ryousuke raised a brow. "Tatsune-chan did they get into a fight?"

"Huh? N-No! Not at all!" Tatsune raised her hands in defense for her classmates. What made her fluster was the fact that this upperclassman she barely knows is already calling her by her first name. However, it was to be expected since everyone calls her brother Yuuki, so it would get mixed up if they called her by her last name as well.

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