Omake7: Drunk (lemon)

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this chapter is dedicated to pinkanime22 and Knightmare_Rose who made the request!

The bar was rather quiet, being a pretty high classed bar and all. The bartender scrubbed at the whine glass in his hand, eyeing the glass cups of his customers, keeping note of who might ask for a refill soon. "Another glass of whiskey," and here it comes. He turned to the two pink haired customers, one who just finished his alcohol, and the other sipping at his lemon water. The bartender retrieved the empty glass and filled it with the alcohol requested, sliding it back at the pink haired man.

"Haruichi I get that you're in a bad mood, but getting yourself drunk isn't the solution," said the other pink haired man.

"What solution? There's no problem to begin with. She doesn't want me anymore, and that's that," the man named Haruichi grumbled as he gobbled down the whiskey.

"Hey, be a man, just because you got dumped doesn't mean it's OK to waste away like this. If she broke up with you it just means she wasn't the one. Don't get all wasted for someone who doesn't deserve you," Ryousuke said. He then raised and hand and called to the bartender, "A glass of water please."

"Aniki you say it so easily. You've only been with Nee-san, so what do you know?"

"Hey, Tatsune and I fought a lot too you know. There were a few times we nearly broke up."

"Still, you have it easy. You got a girlfriend in high school, dated her all these years and now you're married. Unlike me.... No girl wants me. I finally found a girl that I love and just when I thought she was the one....." tears started to fall from Haruichi's cherry pink eyes. Ryousuke sighed. He knew his brother all too well. Haruichi has always been a crybaby. He's weak hearted to anything that isn't baseball related. And the man has always lacked confidence, ever since he was a boy. "I wanna get married too!" Haruichi cried.

"You know getting married isn't as sacred as you think," Ryousuke said. "And it's not like my marriage is doing great either....."

"Wait, what's that supposed to mean? Is Nee-san cheating on you?"

Ryousuke then realized what he said was misleading, so he corrected himself, "No no,  that's not it. There's nothing wrong with her, it's me..."

"You're cheating on Nee-san?!"

"NO!" Ryousuke was absolutely done with his brother by now. "Listen to the end will you? Stop butting in you impertinent brat!"


"It's just.... I guess the married life isn't what you think it is. And sometimes I wish we never got married," Ryousuke said. 


"No, that's not it," Ryousuke shook his head as he grabbed a fistful of his hair and sighed. "Give me a glass of whiskey." 

"Hey I thought you said you're driving today!"

"Shut up, we can always call a cab!" Ryousuke groaned. He chugged his whiskey down and continued talking, "I guess what I really want is for us to go back to the days before she graduated college."


"Yeah, back then we were always together, and even though we fought a lot, the whole house was filled with her presence. It was amazing. We got married right after she graduated and I thought it'd be a brand new life of just me and her. But she was hired by this big American company based in Tokyo."

"That's great though!"

"Yeah, it's great... She graduated valedictorian, so it's no wonder that she got hired into a big company. But ever since she started working, she's been making one business trip after another. Back then I used to wake up every morning with her in my arms, and now the house seems so empty."

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