Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I really shouldn't think anything of it, I mean I don't even know him. What if he committed a crime of having the most beautifulest eyes or wonderful smile. Okay that's a little to cheesy. He really didn't need to lie to me though, or maybe he didn't. Quit confusing yourself. You talked for like 3 minutes, he can't be that important to me. I'm to tired to worry about it.

I lay on my comfy queen size bed with 5 pillows and 3 blankets. Two mattresses stacked on top of each other, so it was pretty high. As high as my waist. I curl up and get all cozy. Then slowly fall asleep, then suddenly there was a pounding at my door. It was consistent.

" ughhhhhh" I groan and gripe. Slipping my feet out of bed and rubbing my eyes and heading for my bedroom door. I look at the time, 10:43pm. The knocking continues till I open the door. Sarah quickly slips in my room and sits on my bed.

" Sarah it almost 11:00 at night. What the fuck is wrong with you." I was yelling at her but she didn't seem to care. Just waiting for me to finish. " I was all settled and almost asleep and then you scare the shit out of me by banging on the damn door."

" you done" is all she said.

" what do you want?"I wined.

" okay well Hackles ran away and so I went looking for him and it was really dark so I couldn't see anything and my parents begged my to just look in the morning but I couldn't just leave him out there all night lost and scared."

" okay get to the point" trying to rush her so I could go back to sleep.

" well anyways I was walking down your street and I saw this guy come out of his house and went to his car to grab something and guess what?"

" what" my boredom was really showing.

" it was Harry" I soon began paying attention and say down by her on the bed.

" really"

"Ya, so of course I had to say something" a smiled formed on her face.

" oh no, Sarah what did you do" when. Sarah sees someone or something she can't help but to get into there business.

" don't freak out I just asked if he lived there and it turns out he does."

" what exactly did you say" I know she didn't just come out and asked him if he lived there.

" I said hi and he turned around and looked at me for a while. Then he said ' sorry I can't see who you are ' then I told him I was you-"

" you what"

" don't worry he didn't care he was actually relieved. He said ' oh you scared me ' and I said sorry and then I said nice place and he said ' thanks '. So I'm sure he lives there plus it was like 10:30 so ya. Anyways I told him that I which is you lived right down the street and he thought that was cool and then he said he had to go inside. That all."

" Harry is my neighbor" is all that stood out.

" not exactly, he's a couple houses down." I was no longer sad, the thought of Harry living close-by comforted me. If we dated it would be so easy to be together no license needed.

" Rebecca I need to find hackles will you please help me I don't want to walk in the dark alone" she stuck her lip out like a puppy dog.

" your going to have to walk home alone after we're done looking anyways."

" no, I'll have hackles" she grinned " and I'll show you which house is Harry's" that was what convinced me even though I did love Sarah's dog. It was the perfect lap dog with beautiful colors.

" okay fine but let's hurry, I'm so tired"

I slipped my slippers on and grabbed my moms heavy jacket. Even though it was summer vacation and it was hot out side even at night. We walked down my street whistling and calling for hackles.

" hackles come on boy" I did most of the whistling and we couldn't shout very loud considering that it was 11:00 at night. Sarah stopped in the middle of the road. Did she see something? Did she find hackles?

" Sarah what are you doing" I asked. She slowly turned around and walked towards me and whispered in my ear.

" there is a man staring at us at the end of the road." I squinted my eyes and I saw a man walking towards us.

" don't worry he's probably just walking to his house or he likes walking at night or something."

But he was getting faster and closer quicker.

" run Rebecca, just run" Sarah started running and then the guy did. Oh my gosh he's running after us. I started running, and even though I had slippers on I was still faster then Sarah . I was always faster then Sarah. I quickly caught up to her and soon past her. I looked back to see him gaining on us.

" Sarah run fast" panic was overwhelming me. My house was just a couple of houses to go. I didn't hear Sarah's footsteps anymore and saw that she stopped.

" Sarah you can't stop he's right behind you" she turned around and he was almost to her. She was gasping for air.

" I * gasp *gasp can't *gasp breath" I ran back toward her and grabbed her hand.

" come on we are going to get raped or die if you don't run right now." She started running and I kept talking.

" we're almost there, just a little ways to go."

We reached my house and opened the door and ran in. Sarah was right behind me, slamming and locking it.

" oh my gosh, we need to call the police" Sarah insisted.

" no"

" what why, we just got chased by a stranger"

" you don't know that. He could have been doing anything. We have no proof and he didn't do anything to harm us. It could of all just been a mistake. He might of wanted to take a jog at the same time we were running or HE could have actually been a SHE. It could have been a teenager trying to scare us. We can't call the cops it won't help anything" Sarah looked confused.

" you were just telling me out there that we were going to die if I didn't start running and now your saying it was all just a mistake"

" I told you to run because he might and probably was chasing us and you were giving up."

" I wasn't giving up I was tired. My throat was dry and I couldn't get air in my lungs. It wasn't just a man deciding to jog after us really fast. No, he was chasing us"

" he did it for his own amusement"

" how can you be so damn calm after that"

" I'm not calm I think I just shit my pants. I'm just handling it better then you"

" ya because your fearless"

" I'm not fearless, that scared me, I just don't want to think about it."

" I'm not going out there. I have to stay the night please" Sarah started pleading. I knew she was scared and I wouldn't blame her there would be no way I would walk home after what just happened.

" ya lets go to bed, or I'm going to pass out right here" I was so tired. First from waking up from a almost peaceful nap and second from running so much. We locked all the doors and windows and turned all the lights off. Then I finally got the sleep I've been wanting all night.

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