Chapter 2: The Explanation

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Your POV:

It only took about five minutes before we all arrived at a restaurant, however it was by far the longest five minutes of my entire life.

During the car ride MC and Saeyoung sat in the front, with Saeyoung in the drivers seat, and Saeran and I sat in the back. It was almost like Saeran and I didn't even exist until we arrived at the restaurant. MC and Saeyoung were talking about apparently what happened when MC first joined the organization. MC also kissed Saeyoung both on his cheek and lips whenever there was a red light or stop sign. Saeran looked like he was about to puke, and I was also close.

Saeyoung finally pulled into a parking spot. I unbuckled my seat belt and immediately got out as soon as the car engine stopped. I smiled when I saw the other members standing at the front of the restaurant.

As soon as we reached the other members, we all walked inside and Jaehee asked for a table of eight. Surprisingly, there was a table ready, therefore we didn't have to wait.

We followed the hostess to a round table in the corner of the room. MC sat in the middle of Saeyoung and Yoosung. Next to Saeyoung sat Saeran, then Zen. I sat next to Zen, and Jaehee sat next to me. Finally Jumin sat in the middle of Jaehee and Yoosung. 

"Your server will be right with you." The hostess smiled politely and walked back the the entrance.

"Everyone already knows what there getting, right?" Jaehee asked. "Since we always come here."

We all nodded.

"Will you guys explain to me what happened to RFA while I was gone?" I asked, very curious as to what happened.

"Sure, but I think Saeyoung and MC should do most of the explaining." Jumin said.

"Okay." Saeyoung agreed. "About two days after you left to go on your trip, the five of us were in the chatroom together."

"This is already weird." I muttered.

"How?" Zen asked.

"Every RFA member in the chatroom at one time? That's rare." I said.

"Oh. Yeah. I guess your right." Zen admitted because at least one of us are usually busy.

"Anyway, we were all talking when MC suddenly entered the chatroom. We were all confused on how she got into our chatroom, so I called V to tell him to join the chatroom." Saeyoung explained.

As I watched Saeyoung speak, I couldn't help but see MC latching her arm onto his. Before Saeyoung could tell anymore of the story, our waiter came to the table. The waiter introduced himself and asked for our orders. After everyone was done ordering their drinks, we ordered our food as well. The waiter then took our menus and left.

"So, after a while of chatting, I started to do a background check on MC. I found out she was a good person with a clean record, so V allowed her to join RFA in hopes of having another party. She then continued to come into the chat-"

"Wait!?" I interrupted Saeyoung and my eyes filled with hope. "We're having parties again?"

"Yup!" Yoosung smiled.

"When's the next one?" I asked as a smile grew on my face.

"In a few weeks." Jumin answered.

"I know. We were all really excited that we were going to have parties again." Saeyoung smiled. "So after a few days I started to develop some feelings for MC, but I continued to deny them. Soon there came to be an issue with the bomb in Rika's apartment. I found out that someone hacked into it. I soon had to rush over to the apartment to fix it, and that's when everything went crazy."

As soon as Saeyoung was about to continue, the waiter came back with our drinks we ordered. When we all got our drinks, the waiter left and Saeyoung continued to explain.

Saeyoung told me about how he ignored MC for a while, and how he found out Saeran was the one who hacked into the special security system. He explained how he finally gave into his feelings and went to go get information from the location where Saeran was able to hack from called Mint Eye, with MC. Then Saeyoung explained how Saeran joined the organization.

Trying to fully listen to Saeyoung was difficult because MC kept moving her chair closer to him and kept being all lovey-dovey. It was nice that Saeyoung found someone to love, however the thought of what would have happened if I realized my feeling sooner was the main thing on my mind.

Minutes dragged on when Saeyoung started to talk about all the amazing moments he spent with MC over the month I was away for.

Soon, the waiter and another waiter came back to our table, both carrying all of our food. When they left we started to eat as Saeyoung and MC continued to talk about their relationship, however I had already toned them out before asking Jaehee about all the recent musicals Zen had stared in.


As I walked back to the table from going to the bathroom, everyone was finished their lunch and Jumin was signing the check. Each of the member started to stand up, and we walked out of the restaurant and into the parking lot.

"Y/n, would you like me, well Driver Kim, to drop you off at your apartment since it's on the way to the C&R building?" Jumin offered as he stood next to his van.

"If you don't mind, that would be nice. Thank you." I accepted.

"Wait. Y/n weren't you riding with us?" Saeyoung questioned with an upset tone, unlocking his car.

"I don't want to bother you guys anymore. Thank you for driving me here." I smiled. "It would be easier and more convenient since my apartment is on the way to his building."

"Oh. Your welcome. I'm super glad your back though." Saeyoung said, walking up to me.

As Saeyoung reached me, he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Welcome back." Saeyoung whispered before pulling away and opening his cars trunk.

I reached for one of my suitcases and my backpack, as Saeyoung grabbed my other suitcase. He then pulled my suitcase out of the car, me doing the same. Saeyoung handed me my suitcase, and I took it.

"It was nice meeting you, Y/n." Saeran spoke from behind Saeyoung.

"I agree. You seem like an amazing person. I hope I get to know you more." MC said before opening the passengers side to Saeyoung's car.

"Thank you. I do too." I forced the words out before saying good bye to each of the other members.


"Y/n, where you okay at lunch? You looked tired." Jumin said as Driver Kim pulled into my apartment complex.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just jet lag. Thank you for the ride, Jumin. I'll see you in the chatroom." I thanked as I got out of Jumin's van.

"Your welcome. It's nice to have you back. See you in the chatroom. Good bye." Jumin replied.

I said good bye back and shut the door before Driver Kim started to drive away. An audible sigh left my lips before I started to walk to my apartment.


I sighed again for about the fifth time in only a few minutes as I shut and locked the door to my apartment. Right now the only thing I want to do is lay in my bed and sleep.

Everything in my apartment was still clean and nothing looked as dusty as I thought it would have been. I walked into my bedroom and set my suitcases and backpack down before laying on top of my bed without putting my blankets over me. I ran my fingers through my hair before letting out another sigh and closing my eyes.

'Why didn't I realize sooner.'

A/n: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

I just want to say a quick thank you to you all for reading this book. It really makes me happy that someone looks forward to reading the stuff I write!

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