Chapter 10: I'm Sorry

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Your POV:

The RFA members arrived one by one to the meeting Jaehee just called for. It didn't take long before everyone but MC were here. 

As we waited for MC to arrive, everyone was asking questions on what was happening and what was going on. I simply told them neither Jaehee or I want to explain it twice, so we are waiting for MC to arrive. In reality though, I just want her to be surprised with everyone else, but she will have a different reason to be surprised.

"Hey, Y/n?" I heard Saeyoung say.

Saeyoung was sitting on Jaehee's three seat couch with his brother and Yoosung, while Jumin sat on one love seat and Zen sat on the other with Jaehee.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Have you been crying? You're eyes are bloodshot." Saeyoung asked, with full concern.

"Yeah." I answer in full honesty and hope he doesn't ask why.

When Saeyoung doesn't reply, I let out a small, unnoticeable sigh of relief.

Finally we all heard someone knock on the door. Jaehee went to go get it, and she came back with MC. As soon as MC saw Saeyoung, she walked over to him and tried to hug him. Before she could, I stepped in front of Saeyoung who was still on the couch.

"Um. Excuse you. Let me get to my boyfriend." MC said in her rude, know it all tone.

"No. After what you've done to him, I won't let you touch him." I replied, trying to keep calm.

"What are you talking about?" MC asked.

"You'll see. Everyone besides Saeyoung, Saeran, and Yoosung should stand behind the couch." I announced. "I have something I want to show you."

As everyone did what I said, I grabbed my phone and brought up the video. I gave a sympathetic look to Saeyoung before I held my phone sideways and sat on the floor in front of the couch. I brought my phone to a point where everyone could see and played the video.

As the video played no one spoke. Everyone was shocked, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Finally the video ended, I held my phone and stood up. I didn't want to look at everyone, but I had to. As I turned around everyone but MC had a mix of shock and disgust on their faces, even Jumin.

"I..." Saeyoung started but he couldn't finish.

It was obvious Saeyoung didn't want to believe the video I showed him, but he knew it was true. He knows that I would never lie to him.

Saeyoung stood up and looked behind him. He looked directly into MC's eyes.

"Why?" Saeyoung asked as tears filled his eyes but they didn't fall yet.

"I... I..." MC knew there was nothing she could say to fix this.

"You said you have been busy with work the past few days! You were with him, weren't you?" Saeyoung said.

"How did you even get this?" MC yelled at me, ignoring Saeyoung.

Saeyoung spoke before I could.

"Is that the problem right now? You cheated on me. I thought you loved me. Especially after everything we've been through." Saeyoung interrupted.

"I did, but you started giving more attention to Y/n." MC yelled at Saeyoung.

"Saeyoung and I were much closer before you came." I said, but MC ignored me.

"I... I honestly can't believe you cheated. We went through so much together. Do you even remember anything?" Saeyoung asked, almost like he was desperate for her to say yes.

MC didn't speak, and it was clear she pushed all of those memories away from her. The silence was enough for Saeyoung. I watch as Saeyoung gets his phone from out of his pocket. Seconds later I get a notification and read it.

'MC has now been deleted from the RFA Messenger.'

I look back at Saeyoung as he puts his phone on the coffee table.

"You can leave now. I don't need an excuse. We aren't together anymore." Saeyoung says with a disgusted tone I've never heard before.

MC just leaves without a word. Jaehee goes with her to close the door behind her.

The second the door closes Saeyoung drops to the floor and buries his head in his hands. I immediately sit next to him, bringing him into a tight hug. Saeyoung returns the hug and puts his head on my shoulder. Immediately, Saeyoung starts to cry his heart out, like how he did when he missed Saeran. I rubbed circles around his back, trying my best to comfort him.

"I'm so so sorry, Saeyoung."

A/n: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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