Chapter 6: For a Friend

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Saeyoung's POV:

It's been a long twenty-four hours since the RFA meeting ended yesterday. No one has been in the chatroom since then either. I've been trying to contact Y/n to see if she's okay, but I always get no answer. MC has been talking to me, but not as often as she was before the whole me agreeing with Y/n thing. Today is also the day where MC has to work until 15:00(3:00), so I won't be able to see her for a while.

I knocked on Saeran's bedroom door, since I wanted to talk to him. Once I heard my brother's voice yell out 'come in', I opened the door and walked inside.

"What do you want?" Saeran asked from his bed, looking at his phone and at me from the corner of his eye.

"Um... I need help for a friend." I said, sitting down in his desk chair.

Saeran put his phone down on the nightstand beside his bed and looked at me.

"So... my friend is having trouble between his best friend and his lover. I want to help him, but I don't know what to do." I say, hoping he will help. "Again, this is all for my friend."

Saeran doesn't say anything in return, and we sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds.

"Do you think I'm THAT stupid?" Saeran asks with a serious tone.


"It's obvious you're talking about yourself. You're talking about what happened yesterday, aren't you?" Saeran continued.

"I guess the whole asking for a friend thing didn't work, did it?" I reply with an awkward laugh at the end.

I let out a huge sigh and buried my head in my hands. The thought of having my best friend and lover hate each other made tears started to form in my eyes and make paths down my cheeks. I tried to take deep breaths to calm down before Saeran saw me, but I was to obvious.

I heard footsteps making their way toward me, then abruptly they stopped. I felt a hand start to rub circles around my back, so I looked up with my tear stained face.

"I can't do much for you other than this, so I think you should ask someone who has more social experience." Saeran told me and continued to rub my back, making me feel a little better.

"Like who?" I asked as my tears started to slow.

"Zen maybe. He seems to be good at this type of stuff." Saeran answered. "You should call him and ask if you can talk."

"Okay. Thanks for helping." I said before standing up.

I brought Saeran into a light hug. Surprisingly, he hugged me back and told me good luck.

As I walked out of Saeran's room, I called Zen to ask if I could come over for a little bit. Zen answered and agreed to letting me come over. I thanked him and left after telling Saeran that I was going over to Zen's house for a little bit.


As I arrive at Zen's semi-basement I go to knock on the door, but Zen opens it before I had the chance to. Zen lets me inside, and we go to sit on the couch.

"So... why did you want to come over here again? Wait! This isn't to prank me, right?" Zen said, moving to the other side of the couch he owned.

"No. It's not a prank. I'm not in the mood." I paused for a moment, thinking if asking Zen is the best option. "Well. You remember what happened yesterday."

"Oh. Y/n and MC, right?" Zen asked.

I nodded.

"I love being around both of them, but it seems like every time that we are all together, MC always seems to pick a fight with Y/n." I admit.

Zen stays silent and watches me.

"Even though she is my girlfriend, I know it's always MC who starts to pick the fight. Y/n just defends herself, like she has always done in her life. I just don't know what to do because if I talk to MC about it, she might get mad." I pause again. "Can you help me?"

Zen still stays silent, but his eyes travel to the floor, avoiding my eye contact. I watch as he does nothing but stare at the floor.

'He's probably trying to word this in a way it won't hurt me.' I think to myself.

"Y/n and MC just don't get along." Zen finally says, looking me directly in my eyes. "In a way, they're like me and Jumin. We don't get along. They don't get along. I guess in your situation, you kind of just have to keep both of your worlds separate."

"How am I suppose to do that? I love being with them both." I ask.

Zen stays silent for a few more seconds before finally answering.

"Well... Who means more to you?"

A/n: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

I love writing Saeran as a loving brother! It makes me so happy!

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