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Luna's POV

It's been two months since I got back to New York. Thing have been crazy for me.

I unfortunately did not get my job back at the NYPD, but it's okay. I can't really get out of the bed anyway.

I moved in with my brother Rob. I am still looking at apartments. My brother just doesn't think I should be left alone.

Miles hasn't tried to contact me at all. Honestly I'm not surprised, I mean he did leave me for someone else.

Snapping myself out of these thoughts, I make my way downstairs to where the rest of the Smiths are.

"Good morning guys." I said, walking into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning" Everyone says back.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I ask

"We have a date for you." Lisa, Robs wife said.

I laughed, but then I realized she was serious.

"Thanks, but I don't need a date. I'm perfectly fine single." I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"You need to get over this Yachty guy." My brother says joinng the conversation.

"And you think jumping into another relationship with someone else is gonna help me?" I said storming out of the room.

Yachty's POV

The few months has been weird. I miss Luna like crazy but I just can't bring myself to call or text her.

"Hey baby" Veronica said sitting on my lap.

Right after I broke up with Luna, I started dating Veronica.

It's been okay, it's nothing at all what I thought it would be. And that's a bad thing.

All she wants to do smash. I'm mean I'm down, but it gets a lil boring.

"Hey" I said uninterested.

"I'm gonna go for a drive." I said, grabbing my car keys and heading for the door.

"But I haven't seen you all day" She said, taking off her coat and revealing her naked body.

Here we go again.

What's up with women always trying to seduce me. Luna never had to do that; I couldn't keep my hands to myself when I'm around her.

"You're not Luna. I don't know why I ever thought you where better than her. Just get out." I said pointing to the door.


Luna's POV

Lately I haven't been feeling well. I've been throwing up everyday for the last week.

I missed my period too.

Yesterday I went to the doctor, and found out I was indeed pregnant.

I am in no way ready to be a mother. And I know for a fact that Miles isn't ready to be a father.

I decided to call Miles.

Even though we weren't together, he deserves to know. This is his child.

(Phone Convo)

Hey Luna, how are you
Fine, look I'm just gonna cut to the chase ok..?
I'm pregnant
What! how?
That's a dumb ass question
Have you been sleeping around
Hell no, I'm not like you
You right
Miles.. I

(Phone Call Ended)


Why did I have to say that.

I mean it's true but still.

Feeling helpless I call Miles mother.

                            (Phone Convo)

Hey it's me Luna
Oh, hello dear how are you
Thats what I wanted to talk to you about.
What's the matter
I'm pregnant
Oh, that's great hunny, does Miles know
I kinda went off on him
Oh well maybe try again tomorrow
Yeah I will, Thanks
Anytime Luna can't wait for my first grand baby

(Phone Call Ended)

I call Miles back.

(Phone Convo)

Hey look I'm sorry I was being a bitch
No, you're right, I'm an ass
Look, things might never be the same between us, but when need to be on good terms
You're right, I'm gonna be there for you L
Thank you, Miles
Come back to LA, so we can figure this all out
I'm not so sure that's a good idea
I wanna be there throughout your pregnancy
Fine, but only for the baby

(Phone Call Ended)


Wow this chapter was a challenge. The next chapters are gonna get pretty intense so get ready! Like always comment,vote, and follow me for more! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ;)


Much, Love J xxx

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