Summer Survey

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Hey guys! This survey is coming later than I originally planned because I have been very busy volunteering lately.

The survey is below, but before you start that, I need to let you know what is going on with the next assignment. I am going on holidays, without an internet connection for two weeks. I will be posting the week 29 assignments on Saturday, August 5. You will have until Saturday, August 19 to complete the assignment. (This means that I fully expect everyone to complete their assignment as you have an extra week!!!) I'll put another reminder about this in the post for week 29.

I'd like everyone to take part in this survey, even if you are new to the club. You don't have to answer all the questions, but all feedback is greatly appreciated. Readers, you can answer the any of the questions but there are questions specifically for you at the bottom.

Questions for Everyone:

1. Why did you first join the book club?

2. If you were to recommend this book club to a friend, what would you tell them the best part of it is?

3. Are you satisfied with the feedback you receive from your partners? (if you need to mention specific people, please pm me about it instead)

4. Do you read the announcements and reminders that are included in each week's posting? (please be honest!)

5. Do you find the point system to be fair?

6. How often do you check how many points you have?

7. Should there be a prize for whoever has the most points?

8. How should I provide motivation for members to read the book of the week?

9. Currently the book of the week is chosen randomly by me. Do you think a different method would be better? If yes, provide an idea.

10. Is the reminder that I post in the comments 24 hours before the assignment is due helpful?

11. Often there are no nominations for super commenter. Is this a part of the book club that people like? Why does nobody nominate their partner?

12. Is there any feature that you would like to see incorporated into the book club?

13. What are things about this book club that you don't like?

14. What are things about this book club that you really like?

15. Any general thoughts you have about the book club:

Below are ideas that I have been considering for A Novel Idea. Please let me know your thoughts on them.

-Have only one group instead of separating into group 1 and group 2. (mostly due to a lack of members)

-Instead of a having minimum amount of sentences, have a minimum amount of points you have to make in a comment to ensure that people are getting good feedback.

Questions for Readers:

16. Would you like to be included in pairings more often, or less often?

17. How often do you read the book of the week?

18. Would you read the book of the week more often?

19. Give any feedback you have about being a reader:

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! Don't forget about your assignments!

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