Arrival and Meeting

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damn that Corporal. Why'd he make me stay back while the rest of the squad went on a mission? Not only that but I'm stuck here CLEANING!! why couldn't he just make me train or something? He wouldn't even tell me what the mission was. This is so stupid.


I was nearing Trost quickly and anxiously. What would I find when I got there? Was Levi telling the truth? How long will this stupid headache last?

Too many questions and they were about to be answered.

The titan arrived at wall Maria and that's when I saw what Levi meant.

There was a huge hole in the wall and titan's were walking straight in. 'how did this happen?' I asked myself as tears threatened to fall down my cheeks. 'are mom and dad....dead?'

I had to move, there were too many titans around for me to continue titan riding. I quickly jumped into one of the near by buildings with a hole in the wall. Once I had safely landed inside the house I saw dried blood stains and body parts everywhere on the floor. 'how gross' I thought assuming a spot behind one of the walls so titans didn't see me. I allowed myself to rest for a bit. I knew traveling around now to wall rose would just get myself killed so I would have to travel at night when there's less activity.

'I should get some sleep before then' I thought to myself. But before I did my hands stroked my face. I could feel dirt and mud smeared on my cheeks. I had done that to blend in and it was surprisingly good for my skin too. It had been a long time since my face was clean from the dirt and mud. I laughed at the thought. Corporal Levi would be horrified about that. If he found out he would probably attempt to kill me or something.

I wonder if Eren and Mikasa are okay. Now that I think about it they should both be about 18 years of age now. I wonder what they're doing...before I knew it I fell asleep.


"onee-chan, where are you going?" a 6 year old Mikasa asked.

"I'm going to be away for a bit Mikasa" I replied bending down to her level.

"but where?"

I laughed " I'm going outside the walls"

"oh, will you be back soon onee-chan?" Mikasa looked sad.

" actually I'll be away for a long time..."


"that's why I need you to do a special job for me Mikasa"


"I want you to protect Eren as best as you can, even when the world is against him, you must protect him" I said looking at the little girl seriously.

"okay I will"

"promise?" I asked out stretching my pinky

"promise" she said as she mimicked my actions and we linked pinkys.

I smiled before standing up and walking out of the house only to find Corporal Levi standing outside.

"Corporal?" I asked walking up to him.

"Morning Haru" Levi said.

"what are you doing here?"

" I'm here to kidnap you"

"you know as well as I do that if you tried you'd end up hurt" I said beginning to walk away.

" I'm serious Haru, don't go out there" Levi held my forearm tightly.


"it's too dangerous out there, I don't want you to die" he said pulling me closer to him.

"L-Levi?" I had been in love with the Corporal at the time and some comrades had told me that he loved me too.

"Haru, don't leave...please" he said before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry but their direct orders from the commander" I said

he signed as he let me go. "okay then but make sure you come back to me alive"

"I will, I promise" I said before walking off to what I thought was my death.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up feeling horrible. I hate reliving the goodbyes I had said so long ago. I feared that when I met up with Levi that I would find out my family had died. I looked outside to see that it was night time and

very little titans were around. 'okay time to go' I thought.

I jumped from building to building like a ninja and soon arrived at the gate that lead to wall rose. I waited quietly for a titan to come by when I saw an abnormal running quickly towards me. I used the 3DMG to cling onto it as it ran towards wall Rose. I was still so tired, I accidentally lost focus just before the abnormal smashed into the wall, flinging me upwards towards the top of the wall. 'FOCUS HARU' I screamed to myself mentally. I detached the 3DMG from the titan and shot the wires towards the top of the wall. I flipped just as the wires detached and landed perfectly on the wall. The night patrol guards saw me and simply stared. "I'm squad leader Haru Jeager, I was told to meet Corporal Levi here" I said saluting.

"Jeager?!?" a 18 year old boy asked.

"yes, Jeager. Have you seen the Corporal?"

the boy seemed shocked to find out my surname but he soon snapped out of his trance and said "the Corporal is due to come tomorrow, Squad leader Haru, please have a rest in the quarters inside the wall"

"I think I will, thank you" I nodded. I walked towards a staircase that lead into the wall and roamed around until I found an empty room. I sat down on the bed trying to adjust the the softness of the bed. Before I knew it I was over come by sleepiness and my head landed on the soft pillow and my body rested on the bed.

Later I was woken up by the pressure of someone sitting on my bed. I opened my eyes slightly, revealing Levi's face. He look he had on was one of disgust and I knew why. It was the dirt on my face. He quickly attempted to wipe it of with a cloth before overlooking the rest of my body for any more dirt. I was still very tired and weak so I was only able to whisper his name. "L-Levi?"

"sorry, did I wake you?" he said gently stroking my cheek.

"what time is it?" I asked as I tried to sit up.

"just past midnight, you should lay back down Haru, you need you're rest" Levi started to lay me back down on the bed. I simply obeyed, I was too tired to resist. Turned onto my side facing away from Levi.

After a few minutes I felt a body lie down behind me. Levi's arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me towards him. "I'm happy you kept your promise" he whispered in my ear.

"I am too" I said before falling asleep in his arms.

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