Chapter 20

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Warning: smut/lemon in this chapter.


Balthazar was looking from two distinct bottles in either of his hands. On his right hand he held a 2 liter bottle of Coke and in the other hand a bottle of Mountain Dew. "Which to take? Which to take?" Balthazar pondered out loud as he kept looking at them with narrowed eyes as if this was the biggest decision he has ever had to make in his life. "Could you hurry up? My stomach is growling! ....Geez it's not like werewolves are picky anyways." Scott said whispering the last part under his breath as he adjusted the plastic plates, cups, and chips in his arms.

"I heard that," Balthazar said as he started to put the Coke back but ended up pulling it back to him again. "Oh come on!" Scott let out a small whimper of frustration, "Just pick something! I'm sure Derek is already waiting for us in the car." "Quite whining, I'm the one paying anyways. I think I am allowed to take my sweet ass time," Balthazar said as he finally put the Coke back in its place. Scott opened his mouth to say something but closed it almost immediately. Balthazar was right, he was the one paying for everything since neither him nor Derek had the power to make Mexican currency appear out of the blue.


The demon gripped tightly to the first blade as he raised it up. The sharp edge of the blade barely brushed against the shirt, creating a small rip on the thin fabric.

"Once you are near the alpha, kill him. He presents a danger to my title as King of Hell." Crowley told one of his most trusted demons as he handed him the first blade. "Are you sure you don't want me to just kill the kid?" The demon said as he took the first blade from the King. "Sweetheart, haven't you learned by now? A Winchester doesn't stay dead. It's a lot easier killing the lover than it will be killing them. Besides, without the alpha the kid won't be a threat to me." Crowley said as he walked back to the bar to get himself a drink.

"It's like Abaddon said, we want someone stronger to rule. Unfortunately, you no longer are the indicated demon for that." The demon thought to himself before releasing his grip on the blade and letting it fall to the ground. The demon released his grip on Stiles and drifted to the back of his mind, as Stiles eyes went from pure black to their original color.

"D-Derek..." Stiles gasped out as he felt himself being raised off the ground. He wrapped his arms around Derek's neck as he pulled the alpha closer to deeper their kiss. In the back of his mind he knew there was something wrong. He didn't even know how he had gotten here, but this was Derek! The alpha he's been in love with only since forever and they're in the middle of a heated kiss.

Derek was glad that it was still dark out. He didn't any else seeing Stiles like this other than himself. One of his hands caressed down Stiles' back and down to his thigh, trying to urge him to wrap his legs around him. He backed Stiles against the car, but as he did they went straight through it and landed roughly in the back seat of car he had just tried to push Stiles against. On any normal day he'd be suspicious of it, trying to figure out what was going on but he couldn't bring himself to do that at the moment. Instead, he pulled from Stiles lips and took in the sight of him. Stiles was flushed, his pale cheeks a dark rosy color, eyes glazed yet looking at him so lovingly, lips slightly parted in a small grin, and the one thing that stood out the most, Stiles' scent. The alluring scent was speaking more than just an attraction; it was calling out to his mate, his lover, letting him know he was ready to be his, and that his feelings were being corresponded in the same way.

Derek returned the smile as his hand came up to caress Stiles cheek before leaning down to capture his lips once more. The kiss was not like the one before; it wasn't needy and desperate but tender and sweet, yet just as passionate.

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