Chapter 22

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Returning to the bunker wasn't something Dean nor Sam were anticipating, and for the first time they could feel the emptiness that filled the place they had once considered 'home'. Especially Dean, he felt like a different man. Maybe that was because he was returning as a father but without his son or the fact that his life couldn't be more messed up than he had originally thought. He wasn't going to lie, throughout their drive back to the bunker he couldn't stop thinking about his son or Castiel for that matter. As much as he hated that his relationships with the angel was planned, he still cared for him and their son. He didn't like the idea of leaving his son in the care of Balthazar and the Alpha much less Uriel's, but it wasn't like he could just take his son with him. He had his adoptive father, John, and the man only had Stiles left in his life. Dean couldn't bring himself to take that from him.

Besides, there was that pending problem with his son being Lucifer's vessel and there was no way in hell he was going to let that happen. Then there was his missing, and possibly pregnant, angel he needed to find. If Castiel was pregnant, he needed to find him before he did anything remotely stupid. Oh, and the moment he had time he was going to find Crowley and kill that son of a bitch for putting his son through hell. He was already formulating a whole list of supernatural assholes he was going to exterminate for planning this to be his life. Dean was just too angry that none of what he was feelings was real, but an illusion of cupid's arrow just like his parents had experienced because he and Sam had to be born.

On their first day back Dean, Sam, and Gabriel, got down in reading everything in the bunker in hopes of finding something that could aid them to stopping this. As surprising as it was to see the trickster actually reading word for word, book by book, instead of using his angel mojo to fast read, Dean tried to focus on doing his share of reading while attempting to call Castiel throughout the day. But he wasn't having much luck with either finding a way to stop this becoming his sons life or getting in touch with Castiel.

On the second day, Dean had totally left the reading to Gabriel and Sam. They didn't really mind, heck they didn't even notice. Dean had spent most of that day pacing the bunker trying to call and pray to Castiel to come home, if not at least call. He was leaving numerous of voicemails. All which had gone unanswered. While Gabriel was still reading word for word he was using some of his angel mojo to read as fast as his eyes could skim through the page. While Sam was working on his eating while reading skills.

By the third day Dean had grown restless and had left the bunker to search for his angel. He was done calling and praying for him to come he was going to find him even if he had to summon demon help. While Gabriel and Sam were stuck in the bunker doing the same thing they had been doing for the past few days. Read. Although Gabriel was done being serious and was just walking around using his angel mojo read every book his delicate little finger touched while the other snapped mountains of donuts, M&Ms, cake, lollipops, popcorn, etc.

"I don't get it," Sam said as he slammed, yet another, book he had just finished reading, closed. "Don't get what, moose?" Gabriel said as he walked over to where Sam was sitting with that cute confused look on his face that Gabriel loved. "We've spent days reading everything, even the files down in the basement, and none of them have any mentions of Lucifer. There's things on demons, wendigos, ghost, time travelers, witches, everything! Just not Lucifer, and there's hardly any information on angels. Why?" Sam said as he picked up his beer that sat abandoned near his now empty plate of food. There was so many information that each of these books had on monsters he, nor Dean, had never even heard of but there was hardly anything on angels, and he couldn't believe this was it. Angels were just as common as demons, so why's there less information on them then there was any regular demon? And don't let him get started on Lucifer. These were some of the smartest men's of letters, how's it possible they never got any information on Lucifer?

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