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Hey guys! Decided that while I wait for responses on my other story, I'd start an Iron Man RWBY story. I hope it goes well and I want to hear about how you guys think the story is going. The 'Big Question' in my other story, The Jeweled Spider, applies to this story as well. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read my Spider-Man RWBY fanfic and come back and tell me who you think is the best candidate. And as always, enjoy!

Yang's POV

I was at a club on the shady side of Vale, looking for information. I needed to find some high ranking members of the White Fang and I was waiting on my associate with there location. While I was sitting around, a guy walked in looking similar to Weiss's father but younger and with more silver hair, like Ozpin's. He had a fancy white suit on and a briefcase, this made me think he was my guy. I walked up to him and sat at the bar with him as he ordered a drink. 

When his drink came he took it all down at once and just sat there. He didn't move, he didn't talk, he gave no signs about being my guy, until...

???: Can I help you?

Yang: Do you have what I need?

???: That depends. What is it you're searching for?

Yang: The locations.

???: Locations? Like the location of the bathroom? Or the exit?

Yang: Who are you?

Y/N: Y/N Schnee. If you're looking for money or dust, you'll have to speak with my uncle Jacques.

Yang: You're Weiss's cousin?

Y/N: You know her?

Yang: She's a friend.

Y/N: Then as her friend, do her a favour and don't tell her a word of this. 

Yang: Don't tell her what? That I saw her cousin?

Y/N: Yeah. Our family is one big bundle of shit. Corruption, lies and secrets make up the Schnee family. If she knows I'm here, she's not gonna stop until she finds me. And then things get emotional and I leave and the cycle repeats.

Yang: Geez, and I thought my family was a mess.

Y/N: Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go. I'll probably see you around here again.

Yang: Wait, what's in the case?

He just smirks at me and walks out. I sat there waiting for another few minutes expecting my real client to show up any minute. Then, I heard what sounded like a quiet jet and the ceiling caved in. Down the hole in the roof, came a weird Atlas robot that was red and gold (Above). It looked around before dropping down and walking up to the bar keeper, shooting him with a laser blast out of it's hand.

This caused everyone to panic and run out of the club. I stayed and eyed down the metal death machine, causing it to look over to me before smashing the bar and pulling out the dead body of the barkeeper. The robot then reached into the mans shirt and pulled out a White Fang mask. It also pulled out a letter. The robot dropped the man and walked over to me. I readied my fists expecting a fight, but the robot just put his hand up and gave me the letter, saying one word. 'Locations'.

Timeskip to Morning - Beacon

Ozpin's POV

I was sitting around in my office, waiting for Team RWBY. I had called them up to talk about their next mission, a trip to a raided Schnee factory. A few minutes after I called them up, I heard a loud banging on my window. I looked back and saw a robot like the ones the Atlas Military uses but... Different. 

It was red and gold with a bright, blue light on his chest instead of the normal white and black. I also noticed that it was flying unlike the normal robots, but before I could think of anything else, the robot smashed the window with a short laser blast from it's hand and hovered in before landing a few feet away from me. 

???: Hello Ozpin

Ozpin: Am I talking to a robot? Or a person?

???: Do I look like some Atlas drone?

Ozpin: So a person. If you don't mind, I'm expecting company. I'd like to ask you to leave.

???: I'm not here for you...

As he said this, the girls walked in and froze when they saw the machine man standing next to me.

???: I'm here for them.

To be continued...


Thanks for reading! I know this was shorter than my other chapters in my other story, but I thought that it was a good place to end with a sort-of cliff hanger. Remember to answer 'The Big Question' for this story and for my other one! I'll be putting 5 different armor sets in this story. Each armor will have a big impact on the story. I intend to put the hulk buster armor in at some point so comment when I should put it in the story. Signing off!


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