Iron Scythe

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Hey guys! So I didn't put an authors note at the end of my last chapter, but that's just cause I forgot. So this chapter is Ruby and Y/N making a suit of armor. It's a custom armor that I'm pretty sure belongs to me now. If I'm wrong... sorry. But I call it Red Death. It's essentially the normal Iron Man suit with scythe blades that come out of the arms and big gun on the back that is pretty much just Ruby's sniper mode on Crescent Rose. She can also hold her normal weapon on the back and she can also chose to have a red cloak coming out of the back with a hood. Anyways, read on to see what she does with the suit... and you. Enjoy!

Ruby's POV

I was super excited for today. Finally, Y/N was helping me make my very own suit! I had a bunch of crazy ideas for the suit and it mostly revolved around scythe features and big guns on the armor. I was wondering were we would make the armor. A blacksmith forge? A secret base? A big lab? We were headed to Y/N's dorm, I'm assuming to get something for the armor.

Y/N: Alright let's get to work.

Ruby: Here? But this is your dorm.

Y/N: I've... added a few things.

We walked in and I was amazed. He had turned his dorm into a workshop, his armor in a display case of some sort, a workstation with holographic screens and some arm robots doing different things. We walked to the work station and he started talking to himself.

Y/N: Alright, wake up. Time for work!

Ruby: Um, who are you-

???: Welcome home Y/N, I see you brought a guest?

I was looking around frantically trying to find the source of the voice, but there was no one else in the room with us.

???: Please calm down Miss. Rose.

I got scared because it knew who I was, so I jumped onto Y/N and held on for dear life. I thought he'd be at least a little concerned, but he just laughed and rubbed my head before putting me down.

Y/N: Ruby, it's just November. Remember, my AI?

November: Yes.

Ruby: Oh... right, AI...

I quickly realized how childish I acted and blushed in embarrassment. Y/N just laughed some more before putting his hand on my head.

Y/N: It's fine, this happens more than you'd think.

November: I have video evidence of Glynda, Velvet, Yang and Pyrrha all acting terrified of my introduction. It  is stored in my Blackmail database.

Y/N: Don't tell anyone ok?

Ruby: Ok... Wait, you mean you filmed me too!?

Y/N: Now you can't tell anyone. Hehehe.

Ruby: Evil...

Y/N: So! Your armor, what do want it to look like as a whole?

Ruby: Like yours, but slimmer and red with black. Also I was thinking it could have extendable thorns on the arms! Like a rose!

Y/N: Makes sense. Alright, I'll have  November scan you and adjust the size and shape to match you. While she configures that, we'll make your weapons. I have micro sized missiles that come out of my shoulders and arms, repulsors, the unibeam, and flares. Do you want to add anything?

Ruby: Ya! Scythe arms! And a sniper in my back. Also I want to be able to hold Crescent Rose on it. Oh! And a cloak that comes out of the back!

Y/N: Hmm... I can make it work, but you have to help me with the size and shape of the scythes and caliber of the gun.

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