I Am Iron Man

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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm back here again! Last time you revealed yourself to be Iron Man to the world! Now, how will Jacques react and will he be- BEGGING FOR YOUR TECH-  asking for you to give him your tech?

Yami: What was that!?

A/N: What was what?

Yami: That thing you did! Where your voice changed and you sounded super violent!

A/N: Oh, well I- DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU- don't really know how to explain.

Yami: I'm not letting this go, you know that right?

A/N: DON'T BE A B- don't worry. Enjoy!


Y/N: I am Iron Man.

The reporter, my Uncle and Winter all held shocked looks on their faces. I expected several questions, but everyone was too dumbfounded to process what I just revealed. I walked up to Jacques and stood over him. 

Jacques: A-Amazing! This technology of yours will certainly-

Y/N: Sorry, but this tech stays with me.

Jacques: What!?

Y/N: The Iron Man suit is more advanced and complicated than your Atlesian Knights. Mass producing these would be a death sentence. If our enemies got a hold of this tech, there's no telling what they could do.

Jacques: But you put away the White Fang! What other threat is there!?

Y/N: The White Fang isn't the only terrorist group in the world Uncle. I fought one such group the other day with Iron Scythe.

The reporter seemed to snap out of the haze they were in.

Reporter: That reminds me, who is the Iron Scythe?

Y/N: I can't tell you. It's her choice to remain under the radar. Now, I must go. 

Jacques: And where do you think your going!? Nowhere with that tech, I can tell you that much!

Y/N: Jacques...

I spoke with venom in my voice. I never called him by his name, so he seemed surprised.

Y/N: I don't know why you think you can control me. The Iron Man designs stay with me. The only place you can get the designs is a secret that no one could possibly discover.

I walked out of the room, hearing Jacques protests and shouts. I continued walking before I was stopped by Winter.

Winter: Y/N! What happened back there?

Y/N: I'm getting real tired of his stunts.

Winter: Who, Father?

Y/N: Of course him! He thinks just because he has a lot of money that he's better than everyone! That's why I stole data from his company and the military. 

Winter: Then tell me something.

Y/N: What is it?

Winter: Is Weiss the Iron Scythe?

Y/N: Huh!? No way! She's not really into the armour as much as everyone else.

Winter: Ok, one more thing.

Y/N: Go ahead.

Winter: What will you do now? Father will be putting all his effort into either replicating your tech or getting it from you. And I don't think he wants to take no as an answer. 

Y/N: Then I guess I have to get to work.

Winter: Work on what?

Y/N: If Jacques intends to send an army, then I'll need my own army.

Timeskip brought to you by A/N selling his soul and making a lemon for his Dark Souls Story

I got back to my dorm and got to work on preparing for Atlas to try and take my work. I know Jacques, he'll try to take it by force. There will be no negotiations, no requests. Only demands and fighting. Jacques was power hungry, desperate for control. I decided that if he was going to use force, I would need equal force to fight back with.

I called the project the House Party Protocol. If I called for it, every suit I'd made was to come to my position and eliminate any threats. I decided to focus all my time into building as many suits as I could. I laid out plans for new designs, armour with special purposes. I even had an idea for a big second layer suit called the Paladin Buster. I got to work on my computer and started to take old designs from my current suits and change little things here and there. 

Take this suit, give it a big gun. Take this suit, give it drills. Take this suit, make it come apart and come back together. I also worked on improving how much power my arc reactor could use before needing a charge. I wasn't falling out of the sky any time soon. 

Timeskip - Two Weeks

Ruby's POV

It's been a week since the team and I saw Y/N tell everyone that he was Iron Man on TV. After the broadcast, we didn't see him anywhere. Neo was always with us, saying Y/N was busy, but she never said what he was busy with. I was getting worried, so I headed over to his dorm to check on him. I walked down the hall to his dorm workshop and knocked on the door. I didn't hear any response, only the sounds of music, machines and sparking. I opened the door and saw Y/N working on a giant suit of armour. I walked in and stared in awe at the hulking metal figure that took up most of the room.

Y/N: I thought I asked for privacy?

Ruby: Uhh, I got worried about you...

Y/N turned around and looked at me.

Y/N: Oh, Ruby! I didn't know it was you. What's up?

Ruby: You've been in here for two weeks! You need to take a break!

Y/N: Sorry, but with the threat of an attack from atlas and my uncle on the rise, I need more defense. I've manufactured 5 new armour sets and this is the sixth.

Ruby: What!? Sixth!?

Y/N: Yes, I've got a suit for heavy lifting, a suit with jackhammer arms, a suit that come apart and puts itself back together, a heavy weapons suit, and an extreme heat suit.

Ruby: So what's this one?

Y/N: I call it the Paladin Buster. It's got all the weapons that make a Paladin most vulnerable. 

Ruby: Why do you need that?

Y/N: I need to be ready to fight Atlas. With these suits, I'll be ready.

Y/N had a look of fierce determination that I couldn't help but admire.

Ruby: If that's the case, mind upgrading my suit too?

Y/N smirked at me over his shoulder.

Y/N: I thought you'd never ask.

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! So that chapter was a little on the short side and felt like a bit of a filler, but hey! Take what you can get! It's gotten especially hard for me to update with the building pressure on me from Science. I have a project where I have to talk about this article and I'm presenting on Wednesday and it's, ugh!

Yami: Don't forget your other stories!

A/N: Oh right! That reminds me! If your into Creepypasta and you like my stuff, please try my Fem! Creepypasta x Male!Reader story I started! I think it's ok for it's kind of story.

Yami: Also, try to understand that A/N has a life outside of Wattpad. He can't always be updating and never do anything else. He needs sleep! Like he should be doing while he's writing this!

A/N: Sure, sure. After a few hours of old funny internet videos. 

Yami: A/N...

A/N: Ok, sorry! Signing off!


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