A Flying Date

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Hey guys! So this chapter is basically going to be Ruby and Y/N starting to get together, but I won't make it so simple. This time, you 'go out' with Ruby and talk about making her a suit of armor just for her. It's essentially Mark 25 but with scythes instead of drills on the arms. Also it's red and black with some silver. Enjoy!

Ruby's POV

It had been a week since Roman and Cinder were thrown in jail. Things were moving slowly and there were less and less missions for us to do. Yang, Blake, Weiss and I were sitting around in our dorm, each doing our own thing. 

Yang: It's so boring! I thought after we threw away the bad guys things would be better, but now all I can think about is punching something!

Blake: Even though Adam is still out there, the White Fang haven't been making any moves.

Weiss: It's like things were flipped completely from last week! All we were doing then was stressing about taking down the bad guys! Now we're stressing about how boring everything is!

Ruby: At this point I'd let Roman back out just so we could fight something...

We all sighed and got back to what we were doing, before we heard a knock at the door. It wasn't a knock to let us know someone was there, but more like a bang from something hitting it. We all went to the door and cracked it open to find Cardin standing with his mace in front of Y/N who was holding a giant sword.

Cardin: Bastard! You think you're all that just 'cause you got some fancy armor and the name Schnee! Well guess what!? I'm gonna prove that I'm the best!

Cardin rushed Y/N who wore a blank, cold, emotionless face. He brought his sword back a bit before thrusting it into Cardin. When the blade hit, Cardin exploded back down the hall. Y/N walked up to him and raised his sword, then he brought it down on Cardin but before he could hit, Professor Goodwitch stopped him.

Goodwitch: That's enough! What is going on here!?

Y/N just stared at her with his blank face and I quickly noticed that something wasn't right. He had a strange gem on his chest that was glowing a faint red. He rushed Ms. Goodwitch and before she could react, he slashed her and sent her crashing through our door. We all jumped back and went to Ms. Goodwitch to see if she was ok.

Ruby: Professor! Are you ok!?

Weiss: Y/N! What are you doing!? You can't attack a teacher!

Y/N: Extremis is all powerful... It knows what's best for me..

We all flinched as he spoke. He had a robotic demon like voice that echoed slightly. We noticed small patches of armor forming on his body and we knew something was seriously wrong.

Yang: Hey, what's that on his chest!? 

Blake: Whatever it is, it's not good!

Ruby: We need to rip it out! Yang! Boost me into Y/N so I can get it off him!

Yang: Got it!

Yang picked me up and fast balled me towards Y/N. When I got to him, I grabbed his chest and took hold of the gem. I put all my force into my efforts and as the light began to die, it came out. I fell backwards and the gem fell out of my hand, but before it could get far, Yang stepped on it, shattering it. I was about to check and see if Y/N was ok, but when I turned, he was falling backwards. I used my semblance and got behind him quick enough to catch him.

Y/N: Ugh, my head... Ruby? 

Ruby: Hey.

Y/N: Sorry about that. My new AI didn't like me I guess... That is the last time I make armor that integrates into me.

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