Chapter 1:Em and El

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Almost four weeks into summer and everything is normal. Except for last week and few other incidents before that, but otherwise everything had been normal. And that doesn't feel right. I somehow managed to finish the school years here 3 times in a row. So that means no more middle school and onto be a freshman in high school. But since everything has been normal so far, that means everything is going to get weird and dangerous very soon. But I'm never sure when.

I shouldn't worry about this now.

The streets of Manhattan were a little less busy as normal. It was a very hot day so that is to be expected. But I needed to get some air. I kept my hands in my hoodie pockets. Yes I know, I said it was hot, but I could always wear a jacket of some kind. I refrained from bumping into anyone on my way home. I have my reasons.

I decided to walk through Central Park. Little kids were running around with their parents and friends. I walked over to an empty bench and sat down to think about what happened last week. I sat back, closed my eyes, and let hyperthymesia(at least that's what the doctors say it is) do its thing. They called it hyperthymesia because they didn't know how to explain a girl having perfect flashbacks.

I was back at the diner with my friend, El. He was explaining the new video game that came out last week. He managed to get it and even let me play it a few times.

The diner was pretty crowded, but just me and El sat in the booth. I was sat with a root beer float and El with his piece of apple pie. Man, I swear all he ate was pie. He could probably eat it all day any day if he could. As we were talking a man came over and sat next to me. At first I ignored him, thinking he sat at the wrong table by accident. But after a few minutes he didn't leave.

"Um...excuse me" I said getting his attention,
"You're sitting at our table. Are you looking for yours?"

"No," the man replied "I'm where I want to be."

El spoke up. "Look dude that's weird and creepy. Please leave."

"No." The man refused. He scooted closer to me. I was getting uncomfortable and very agitated.

"Listen buddy," I said this time "leave us alone. We just want to have a nice lunch and would like to be left alone. That's all we're asking."

He scooted closer. I was seriously considering punching him in the face. Hard.

Then he did something I almost snapped from. He put his arm around me.

I nudged off his arm and turned towards him. "What the hell are you doing?!"

He put his arm back and scooted closer. "Nothing."

"Leave her alone!" El said sternly.

"Or what?" He scoffed.

"I'll punch you." I said.

"Yeah right." He said scooting even closer.

"I said stop."

He scooted again.

"Please stop!"

He scooted one more time.

"I said STOP!" With that, there was a flash of black. I blinked a few times and looked where the man had been. He was now 5 or 6 feet away sprawled on the ground. I looked at my shaking hands. There was a black mist that looked a little like fire slowly fading from my hands. It wasn't warm or hot like fire, it was cool.

I looked up at El.

"E-Ellis?" My voice was just a whisper. I was on the brink of tears. First the memories and now this.

I looked around the diner as people stared at me and the man, who I believe was either unconscious or almost there.

El walked over to me and helped me get out of the booth. "C'mon Em. Let's get you back home." I nodded and stood up.

El put ten dollars on the table to pay for the meal and guided me home.

I opened my eyes to the feeling of someone tapping my shoulder.

"Flashback?" A familiar voice said.

"Yeah." I answered El's question. I met his green eyes that seemed to be the color of grass in the spring. His brown hair was a little messier than usual. He was a few inches taller than me, but I was just short.

"So," he said as he sat down next to me, "What're you doing out here?"

"Just needed some fresh air." I responded.

"Did you see your mom's memories again?"

I sighed and nodded in response remembering what had happened earlier this morning. "I hate seeing them. They're filled with pain, but there are some things missing that I want to know."

"Like who your father is."

"Yes. But with my luck he's probably dead. I've always had bad luck. Maybe it was because I was born on Friday the 13th in December." I joked.

El chuckled. "Maybe. But I doubt he is." I've always had the feeling Ellis knows some things that I don't.

"I guess I should head home." I thought a little rest might help.

Ellis nodded and got up. "See you around Em."

"See you around El." I said back as I watched him walk off.

With that, I got up and went my own way back home to my apartment.

Heyo! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of AFITD(that's a weird acronym) I'm definitely going to continue this so stay tuned!

Any questions, comments, concerns?

Idk if you have any, if so leave them in the comments


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