Chapter 3:Memories and Introducing Salem

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Will's memories of battles and wars were flashing in my vision. Scenes of injured people, who I assumed were demigods, were being treated quickly. Some lied dead in cloths and in the streets. That's when I realized where I was.

I was in Manhattan.

I looked behind me to see Will frantically wrapping a young boy's forearm. He was muttering something, but it seemed to be calming the boy down. All around me there were demigods fighting...monsters? All of them were injured.

Then the image changed.

Will was crouched next to a girl who had curly blonde hair and wore armor of some sort. Her eyes were squeezed shut from pain. Will was treating her shoulder hurriedly. He was feeling worried and stressed. He was doubtful of himself. The blonde haired girl was squeezing the hand of a boy. He looked no more than sixteen. He had raven black hair and sea green eyes and wore the same armor the girl did. He looked worried. Then, Will's emotion changed as he stopped working on the girl's shoulder which was now wrapped in bandages. He was relieved. He told boy something I didn't quite catch. The boy seemed to relax a bit, but still seemed worried. The girl had relaxed and Will told the boy something else. The boy got up and left with Will.

The image changed again.

Will was healing a girl, but we weren't in Manhattan. I looked around and saw a hill with a pine tree and a dragon at it's base.

Camp Half-Blood.

The image changed slightly to show Will and two other demigods behind him the bushes. He seemed to arguing with a boy who had pale skin and dark hair and obsidian black eyes wearing a Hawaiian shirt? They kept arguing and the other two demigods stood there awkwardly not saying anything. The boy in the Hawaiian shirt ran off to go help fight. Will felt frustrated, yet worried for the other boy.

The image changed slightly again to an open field and part of a hill. Then, there was a explosion. Will's head whipped up to face the sky where the explosion occurred. You could see two figures falling out of the smoke. Will started sprinting towards them. He was terrified. He was thinking the worst possibilities.

The image changed again, but to a more cheerful memory. He seemed to be playing some sort of battle game through a forest. He was firing arrows near people. They seemed to be trying to get a flag. He was happy. Then it showed him walking around the camp with the boy in the Hawaiian shirt. Except he wasn't wearing the shirt. Instead he wore a black shirt with a skull on it. They were walking together and talking cheerfully. They both were at peace.

Then more images started to flash and pass quickly. Memories of the injured. People lying dead on the hill and in the streets of Manhattan. Will not being able to save demigods and watching them be killed before his eyes.

I shot up. I was back in the bed. I felt tears stream down my cheeks. I looked up to see Will crouched next to the bed looking worried.

"You've been through so much. There's so much pain in your memories." I said to him.

"What do you mean? What just happened?" Will asked me sounding confused.

"She touched you and then saw your most hurtful memories." El said from a chair that was across the room. "Em, what did you see?"

"Memories of battle and wars." I answered. Will looked like he had spaced out.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"About five minutes." Will responded, then added "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"It's fine. I have a feeling it won't be the last time I see memories like that. I also have a feeling that I'll see even worse ones."

Will changed the bandage with us all sitting in silence.

"Ok. Done." Will said breaking the silence. "We should take her to Chiron."

El nodded, but I asked:"Who's Chiron? Is he that horse dude from mythology?"


Ok! I've been here for almost four weeks and I think I finally understand this mythology thing.

Just kidding! That's just what everyone wants me to say. Don't worry I'm still really confused.

I was wandering around the camp trying to wrap my head around what had happened these past 3.5 weeks. Mom had dropped me off here saying that I would be safe here. Then some people, I believe their names were Leo and Piper, explained how Greek mythology is real and that I'm a demigod, but most of the time Leo was joking around with Piper either laughing or yelling at him to shut up, which made me obey as well. She then explained that some demigods have powers. She had charmspeak and Leo just burst into flames to show his powers. I flinched when Leo caught on fire. Leo said I should be claimed soon since I was thirteen.

But 3.5 weeks later here I am, still unclaimed and having doubts about whether or not this is all real. They said most demigods are dyslexic, ADHD, or both. I'm dyslexic so I guess that part is a factor.

So now I'm just wandering around with my head in the clouds, but I was mainly thinking about yesterday when the girl arrived. Will and a satyr had brought her down the hill. She was bleeding quite badly. I hadn't seen her since then, but I assumed she was in the infirmary. For some reason I had a feeling she was going to change my experience here.

Third chapter complete!

Say is introduced and Em has seen Will's memories.

Also, the image is what I imagine Salem to look like. Em's image will be in the next chapter.

And yes, I know my writing is trash, but oh well.

Any questions, comments, concerns? Like it? Hate it?

Put it in the comments so I know and maybe I'll reply.

Well, that's it for this chapter.


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