Chapter 2:Going Where?

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The walk back was uneventful and peaceful.

I got to the apartment building fairly quickly and went up to the apartment that I lived in with my mom. I found the door unlocked. That's weird. I remember locking it. I'm not sure what happened, but my thoughts were thinking the worst.

"Mom?" I called as I stepped in.

I heard voices coming from her room. I decided to listen in.

"You need to take her there. Her abilities are becoming stronger." The first voice spoke out.

I recognized it.


"She's safe for now though." Mom spoke out.

"Unfortunately, she's not. Monsters are coming. We need to get her there tonight or we'll all be in danger."

"Ok. I trust you, Ellis. Let's get her there."

I heard footsteps coming towards the door and I slowly backed away from it. El stepped out first with goat legs and hooves? What?!

El seemed a little shocked to see me. He noticed that I say his...legs.

"Uh...I can explain." He said pretty quickly.

"And you can explain in the car." Mom looked hurried as she grabbed her keys from the table. "We need to get going."

Once we got in the car, I had one question.

"What the hell is going on?" I said as we started to get on the road.

"Ellis. Explain." Was what my mom responded with.

"Ok. You're probably what is happening with my legs. But first to explain I need to tell you that Greek Mythology is real. The gods, the heroes, creatures, the myths and legends, and worst of all. The monsters. The gods have children with mortals. They are called demigods and you are one of them. Now for my legs. I am a satyr and we are sent to protect demigods. We have goat legs and horns." I noticed he had two small horns that I always thought were curls. "Now we are headed to a place where demigods are safe. This place is called Camp Half-Blood."

"Is that where we're headed?" I asked.

"Yes and we'll be there any minute." He answered.

Suddenly the car stopped. Ellis got out, but I hesitated. Mom saw this.

"Emeria," I hate my full name. "I need you to go with Ellis. You'll be safe there. Do i for me, ok?"

"Ok." I said and got out reluctantly.

As Mom drove away, I waved her goodbye.

"C'mon. Let's get to camp before it gets dark." Ellis told me.

I followed him halfway up the hill when he suddenly stopped.

"El, what's-"

"Sh." He cut me off.

There was a large rustle and some growling. Then a huge black dog with scarlet red eyes.

"Hellhound. RUN!" El yelled.

We sprinted up the hill as fast as we could.

I was almost to the top of the hill when I felt a searing pain spread across my lower back and right side. I let out a small scream as I fell.

"Emeria!" I heard Ellis yell.

I scrambled back to my feet, but fell again when the same pain went across the back of my left ankle.

I tried to get up and run, but every time I did I would stumble. After a few times and getting pretty close to a pine tree, I started to feel light headed and fell.

I heard a yell. It sounded like a battle. I was still on the ground, so I looked up to see a muscular girl with stringy brown hair. She held a spear and was attacking the hellhound. And still yelling.

I tried to get up again, but was feeling even more dizzy so I fell again.

"Em!"I heard Ellis and when I looked up to see him. He had a boy with curly blond hair and right blue eyes trailing behind.

My vision was going dark, but I heard Ellis yell my full name again.

Would he stop using it?! was my last thought before I passed out.

--------------------------------------------Time Skip--------------------------------------------------

Ugh. My head hurts.

I opened my eyes to a fairly bright bedroom. I slowly sat up to see that I was in a bed. I was wondering what happened, but then I remembered what had happened. I looked at my ankle and saw that it was wrapped in bandages. I touched my side to check for bandages, but didn't find any. Weird. I lifted up part of my shirt and saw four scars that were shaped like claw marks.

Just then I heard the door open.

"Em! Thank the gods you're ok!"

I looked over to see El standing in the doorway looking very relieved.

"Stay right. I'm going to go get Will." And he was off.

I looked around and spotted my sweatshirt by a chair with my converse. I grabbed my black leather gloves from my sweatshirt and went back to the bed. Before I could put them on I heard footsteps and quickly hid them under the pillow.

"Ok. I've got Will." El walked in with the blonde haired boy from before I passed out.

"'Sup." I said as I ave a little wave.

"Hey." Will says as he walks over and holds out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Will Solace."

"Em Rift." I say. Forgetting that I don't have my gloves on, I shake his hand.

Almost immediately my head is struck with a piercing pain. I grab my head and feel myself fall back. I feel my head hit the pillow.

"Em!" I hear Will's frantic voice, but it's faint.

"No, not again." I hear El say. His voice also growing faint.

Their frantic voices fade out completely and everything goes dark for a second.

Welp. There's the second chapter. Sorry it's been so long.

I do NOT own the Percy Jackson for those are Rick Riordan's. I only own the plot and El, Em, and Say.

Also, tiny cliffhanger though you guys probably know what's going to happen from the description so...not much of a cliffhanger.

Still going to continue, but school starts soon so I'm going to try and write these ahead of time and then upload them so it might take a little while for the next updates.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Like it? Hate it?

please don't hate it...

Well, leave any of those in the comments and I will reply if I can.


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