Chapter 4:Claimed and Trained

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Lunch time!

I don't mind the overcrowded Hermes table as long as I get food.

I wonder if that girl will come to lunch. Then I spotted her.

She was coming out of the Big House with the satyr and Will. She had black hair that reached the middle of her back and her eyes were a mix of blue, green, and amber. She wore jean shorts, black converse, a black Panic! At the Disco shirt, and black leather gloves? Why is she wearing gloves? Her left ankle was wrapped in a bandage. Will and the satyr seemed to be discussing something behind her while she seemed to be thinking something over. She looked up and spotted me looking at her. She gave a small smile and waved. I grinned and waved back.

Maybe we'll get to be friends.


Will and El lead me to the main part of the Big House. In the room sits a man in a wheelchair. I looked around the room which had a fireplace, a million masks that decorated the walls with vines around them and leaves poking through them, and a stuffed leopard head.


Why exactly?

It moved and growled at me.

"Seymour, stop that." The man in the wheelchair told the leopard. He then turned to us, "Mr. Solace. Mr. Buckley. How are you? Who have you brought with you?"

Will spoke up. "Hello, Chiron. This is the camper that arrived yesterday."

"Hey." Is all I said.

"Hello, miss. I'm Chiron. What is your name?"

"Em Rift."

"Full name?"

I sighed. "Emeria Rift."

"I take it you don't like your full name, do you?"


"Please have a seat, Ms. Rift." Chiron then turned to El and Will as I took the nearest chair. "You two may wait outside."

El and Will left and Chiron turned back to me. "You've been told what's happening and who you are, correct?"

"Yeah, just the basics. I'm a demigod. Greek mythology is real. All the gods, monsters, myths. All that. Demigods are the heroes. Those kind of things."

"Ok, good. Well I'm required to show you this orientation video. So here we go."

The video wasn't excited. It just explained what I had said and a little bit more. Once the video was over Chiron turned to me again. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Not at all." I answered.

"How old are you?" Easy first question.


"I see. You should be claimed soon. When's your birthday?"

"December 13. On a Friday. Bad luck is my specialty."

"Ok. Most demigods have ADHD, dyslexia, or both. Do you either of those?"

"Both. Somehow managed to survive middle school with both of those."

"Good to know." Suddenly his tone changed. "You seem to have a powerful aura around you, so it's no surprise that you have both."

"Interesting." I replied. I also changed my tone, but I didn't quite catch it. "Do you have any ideas of who my parent is? "

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